New Cat, Comments and Advice?

In the figurative sense we can hope.


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sometimes not :grin: A friend had a cat named Velcro.

If she/he ever gets pancreatitis, I have lots of advice for that! Let’s hope you never need these advices…

We have 2 sisters named Tigger and Rafiki but they are also known as Chaos and Mayhem… I do have a few gadgetries to share…

  1. We have a water fountain in our bathroom which is motion activated to minimize noise and wear. Last fountain we bought didn’t last a year. It stops after 10 min of motion inactivity.
  2. I get a push notification when one gets stuck in the walk-in closet. I have a motion sensor and a door sensor for that one.
  3. We live in a condo. I managed to connect a fan to the building exhaust system (you need permission and a fire stopper to do so). The fan is above the litter box. It is motion activated and stops after an hour of inactivity. A light turn on as well of course… can’t let them live like cave cats :slight_smile:

We are going to move to a house soon with wild life around so I’m working on tracking them if they get out of the house… I haven’t found a satisfying solution for that one yet!


If you are anywhere near coyotes (as in anywhere in North America) DON’T let them out. They will become a snack. Coyotes re even in cities so urban is not a guarantee they will be safe from predators plus traffic and other hazards.
If you insist then you can get GPS locator collars
No pricing is on their site because so much depends on the species


Hey thanks! I’ll check it out. Yes, we plan not to let them out. They are condo cats. Our home is designed with airlocks (two doors to get out) just for them (!) but we have one patio door so I want to make sure I can find out quickly if they get out.
Thanks again!

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How squishy! I thought I was seeing double! You’re very lucky.

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