New email client launching 1st June

I checked their website a couple of times when it was June 9 (in Europe), but the TestFlight link was not there yet. When I woke up the next day, I had received their email with an invitation, but the TestFlight program was already full by then…

Did anyone get in? First impressions?

they’d all gone in 30 seconds apparently, I missed out too.

I agree.
I keep on trying all these other Mail Apps and constantly finding myself going back to Apple Mail.


Got a mail earlier today that there would be new invites at 17:00 BST and was able to grab a spot for iOS (iPhone only at the moment).

Only hours later I discovered that macOS requires a separate TestFlight program; that was already full again… :cry:

(Hope to test the iPhone App this weekend)

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I look forward to the report back!

Not that I was planning a proper review anyway, but:

  1. Whilst we don’t mind you Tooting or Tweeting your Big Mail experience, we’d kindly ask you hold off reviewing it until we have a final release.

A first impression (once I have that) should be OK though, I think.

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Did not dare to run it with my Fastmail account, but experimented (a bit) with an old (no longer used) Gmail account from an abdonned project.

  • It’s just another email App, with a modern UI (similar to Apple’s Reminders App)
  • I could not find any feature that would incite me to switch from the Fastmail App to this App
  • It’s a native App instead of a web App, so it does look/feel better than the Fastmail App
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Thanks for reporting back. I got in today and pretty much agree on all your points. However, it’s still a bit early, and I’m sure quite a few features are not there yet.

In your previous post you mentioned a TestFlight link for macOS? Could you share it?

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I might have gotten that wrong…

When clicking on “Join TestFlight” on their beta page in Safari on my Mac, I got a message that the beta is full, so I assumed that it was a different link than the iOS one that I successfully joined (assuming the webpage would offer different links based on the browser/device), but I now see that it is the same link on iOS and macOS, so probably only for iOS.

Sorry about that!

EDIT: In fact:

(btw we’re testing just the iPhone app right now)

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I’m in a similar situation, but I keep going back to Fastmail. The server side rule engine and subdomain addressing are my favorite features.

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