Obsidian to NotePlan?

I love Obsidian generally, but find the mobile experience to be too cumbersome.

Anyone make the jump from Obisidian to NotePlan?

What do you find cumbersome? I’m just curious.

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I use NotePlan on mobile daily, and sometimes use Obsidian on Mac. Happy to answer questions if I can.

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Throwing in another option for you to explore/try out: Logseq.

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You could try https://www.notebooksapp.com/ - it works the same as Obsidian in terms of just opening a folder of markdown files. I find the mobile experience to be better than Obsidian

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I’ll second @Darkwing’s recommendation of Notebooks app. I use it in conjunction with Obsidian for my markdown notes and associated documents. I prefer Obsidian on my mac, but prefer Notebooks on mobile. Each app has its own advantages and limitations, and neither is perfect, but I’m happy using them in conjunction.

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Like @MitchWagner I’m curious what isn’t working for you. I’m just now starting to do a more on Mobile with Obsidian but want to be aware of where future issuesmight happen.

You can also look at other native iOS apps like 1Writer and Tiao. I too find Obsidian very confusing on mobile and wish they didn’t treat their app as a second class citizen. One big shortcoming in using other apps is that plugins won’t work outside of Obsidian. So it will just be for basic text related work.