Obsidian vs. Craft vs. Roam

You’re killing me here.


Regarding Obsidian/DevonThink compatiblity: DevonThink can index Obsidian folders. I make extensive use of DevonThink groups, but I think I can write smart rules that will look for specific hashtags in Obsidian documents and tag them for the appropriate groups.

For the benefit of non-DevonThinkers: “Groups” in DT are pretty much the same as folders in the Finder and also the same as tags becuase [jazzhands] magic! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

(There needs to be a jazzhands emoji.)

@OogieM It occurs to me that when I’m up at night working I am generally working on just one thing, so I don’t need to have the full Obsidian/DT ensemble at my fingertips.

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GREAT! Thanks for the reply. Just as I thought (hoped). I already have Obsidian vault linked to iCloud folder available to 1Writer and Taio… Now, can you help me with my lost :disappointed: invite to the testing. My iPad Pro IS refusing to work until app is loaded!


Where do I find the button to delete this incitement to riot? :wink:


I received a TestFlight link last night to Obsidian! Very excited to test, probably the most excited I’ve been about an app in a long while.


Make sure you visit the Mobile category in the Obsidian Discourse forum and post any bugs or suggestions you have. The first very-beta release is very functional, but also has rough edges – these devs are great at squashing bugs and I would expect continual improvement over the next several weeks.

Hah, I think I should apologize to @MitchWagner… this thread now seems to be about mobile Obsidian. :grimacing:

Something I’m hopeful for, though: on the desktop, community plugins can bind their own URL scheme actions to obsidian://. I wonder what the chances are that this’ll be possible on mobile. It’d be pretty neat to have such an extensible hook into the app.

I still find it hard to believe community plugins made the leap across platforms. Some even work as-is. Now I’m trying to figure out what plugin developers can take advantage of on mobile. “Insert drawing” on iPad, for instance… hmm!


Other apps (e.g., DEVONthink and Drafts) support URL schemes on iOS/iPadOS – so I assume Obsidian can too.

Sorry, I should’ve been clearer—Obsidian’s URL scheme is planned for mobile. However, only a handful of actions are available from Obsidian core.

On the desktop app, though, community plugins can actually establish their own actions with the Obsidian URL scheme. E.g., I could add a obsidian://review?date=next%20week&text=some%20URL%20encoded%20text action to my Review plugin to take in a natural language date and append some attached text to a daily note in the future. In other words, plugin developers can extend the desktop’s URL scheme abilities. I’m hoping that this ability will translate to mobile, but I’m not sure how flexible the app URL registration API is on iOS. So maybe we’ll be restricted to just the core actions that I linked above.

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It’s actually a very simple Keyboard Maestro macro that runs an embedded script. You could execute the script via any other app or service, though, including DEVONthink itself.

The script:

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theSelection to get selection
	set theList to ""
	repeat with eachRecord in theSelection
		set theTitle to name of eachRecord
		set theLink to reference URL of eachRecord
		set theList to theList & "- [" & theTitle & "](" & theLink & ")" & return
	end repeat
	set the clipboard to theList
end tell

The macro:

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In case it’s helpful to someone, it’s worth mentioning that at some point over the last year or so, DT3 added the built-in facility to create markdown links with drag and drop.

Select the records in a database and cmd-opt-drag them to a note and a list of markdown links (with DT3 URLs as the active part) will be created.

This works not just from a folder, but also from the See Also list. I don’t use drag and drop much (preferring the keyboard like nature intended…) but it may be helpful for some.


I will forgive you once I get access to the mobile app. :slight_smile:

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Close your eyes, click the heels of your red shoes three times, and wish …


At times I thought the mobile apps were just vaporware…but they are not. I’m very excited and relieved to stop doing the cross app two-step anymore. I killed off a few app subscriptions and put that money into obsidian support.

@ryanjamurphy is it Cloudkit Sync or is it standard iCloud Drive? I thought it was the latter, but there’s a lot about how this stuff is working that I am unclear on.

I’ve been told it’s a CloudKit-based sync. Bugs aside it is nice and speedy, in my experience!

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Gotcha I’ll have to give it another go. I dropped a folder into the obsidian folder on iCloud Drive and I think that was Dumb Slow iCloud Drive instead of cloud kit.

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I normally keep my vaults in /Obsidian in iCloud Drive. When you set up Obsidian on iOS/iPadOS for the first time, and configure for iCloud Sync, then Obsidian iOS creates a new, second /Obsidian folder for CloudKit sync.

I suggest not using anything other than test vaults for Obsidian Mobile at this time.

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Yeah I’ve been creating back ups a couple times a day

Ah, I’ve been told it’s CloudKit-backed iCloud Drive—so your experience might have been representative.

When I first set my iCloud vault up, it took a bit of time on each device to get up and running. But since then, I have been seeing instant sync of edits across devices.

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I must have missed something really simple - how do you do it with keyboard? Normally keyboard pasting only paste link without title.