Our Sad State—Peloton and Social Media

Technologies like Apple’s Fit+ and Peloton’s are wonderful for people yet when combined with social media they can become toxic platforms. I for one am glad that Apple has stayed out of social media—or tried and failed. I recommend that they just stay out of the social media business. This forum (MPUs) is the rare exception. I believe it is because it is a niche self-selecting and relatively small audience. Larger SM platforms lack that advantage. We also have good moderators! :slight_smile:

It is sad to see what our culture has become.

Here is an except from an Axios story:

Peloton, the networked fitness-bike seller, has found itself in the position of having to scour its forums and leaderboards to remove hateful speech.

The bottom line: It highlights how toxic the social media environment is in 2020. If it’s online and social, it’s probably going to require moderation.