PDF/Pages Template Automation

Hello All,
I have been trying to figure out a bit of automation for my job and I am getting a little hung up on if what I am trying to do is possible. I know that I could write a little bit of PHP to do most of what I need but I would like to be able to do this with just my iPad if possible and make it so that my team mates won’t need to open up terminal to run the application.

During our sales process we have a few documents we have to create, one is a PDF which I converted to a fillable PDF and the other is a pages document. I am currently storing all the information about the client (address, name, contact) in air table and I would like to be able to at least take all the basic company info from those tables and plug them into the documents in some predefined areas.

I know that pages is some what scriptable with apple script but I have never been able to figure out if I can generate a fillable template or not. Where I could put place holders for things like company name and have the system pull that information from airtable and put all the data in the right spot.

As well as the pages document there is also a PDF that contains most of the same information. I currently use PDF expert to edit all my PDFs on my Mac. I haven’t be able to find anything about automation and fillable forms for PDFs, so I am at a stand still for that.

If any of you have any ideas or experience with things like this I would love to see what you have done or ideas you might have for either Mac only automation, iOS Shortcut or possibly a Drafts action?

Let me know what you think