Perfectly Wonderful App You Don't Use

Do you know if I can use Byword to access my nvALT files located on my ownCloud (folder in Synology NAS) in iOS?

Check out launch center pro for running workflows. Reduces friction quite a bit.

Good grief man, you need an intervention!


Couldn’t agree more. Precisely why I no longer use it. I found more success getting my ideas together with iThoughtsHD and now I’m trying to use Things 3 to organise this into tasks and protects.

Out of curiosity when you are churning through apps like that are you retaining the data in each new format?

I “Journal” two ways every day. First, on my website, (purposely not mentioned here), I have a “Dear Diary, Here Is My Thought For Today” on that site. There I try to post something either funny or thought provoking. Second, I use Drafts 5, (thanks Katie and David!), to write to myself, every night before bed, how things went today and the events that occurred in my life that day. I then swipe from the right and add that entry to ICloud Jounral. I have serious health issues and I find that on days that I am not doing so well, I can go to either my website or my ICloud Journal and reflect on better times.

It works for me. :grin:

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I have several recipe apps - In the Kitchen, Kitchen Stories - that have great recipes but when I’m looking for a recipe I almost always just search the Internet. Or I’ll just be creative, no recipe at all. I do use Paprika because I know the recipes in there are things I like.

I’m stuck on Windows at work, so I’ve had good intentions of using some of the following gorgeous apps that have never panned out due to lacking cross-platform support.

  • Bear
  • Agenda
  • Things 3 (trying Todoist again for ease of access at work)
  • 2Do

MindNode, OmniOutliner, Affinity Designer, Be Focused Pro, Cacher, Cypress, Expressions, Etcher, Google Chrome Canary, Forecast, HiddenMe, HeliumLift, IconJar, Interact Scratchpad, iMazing, Fritzing, Marxico, Screenflow 6, Shellrunner, SelfControl, Pullover, Product Hunt, Nuclino, IINA, DevDocs, Anki, Studies, HitFilm Express, Keybase, Keka, Gif Brewery, Gitbook, Skype, Telegram, Unclutter, Workspaces, Stitchem, Transmit 5, Scrivener.

I keep most of these in case I need them but I probably could delete half of these.