Hi all,
I have a question and I wonder whether this niche is filled. Is there a MacOS program that will prohibit deleting whatever files from the drive? What would happen instead is that when an user initiates a deletion, for example with Command Backspace the file is put in a special folder, called Archive for instance. This way no file would be deleted permanently and it would be easily recoverable. I know this can be extreme for some but I would pay a lot for such a program.
I hope you all have a good day.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding, but what you describe is consistent with how the trash works. In that, when you delete a file, it goes to the trash folder. You can have it set to delete automatically in 30 days, or leave it there until you do something with it.
Yes and no. What I mean is that the trash will flatten out my directory structure. For example when I move a file /users/Nuno/documents/projects/my Awesome Swift Project.xcodeproj to the trash the directory structure will be lost. I would have to move the whole folder to the trash.
Ahh, got it. Thanks for the clarification. I know of no program that would do that, but think tree and mv might be of some value if you were so inclined.
Two things. First, if you do a Get Info on the file you can check “Locked” if you don’t want it deletable.
Second, when I moved a .xcodeproj file* to the trash, I could select Show Package Contents and see the contents while it was in the trash. The hierarchy is still there. And I can do a Put Back and it goes back to the original folder. Putting hierarchical folders into the trash maintains the hierarchy of the folder in the trash. If you put multiple items in the trash they appear at the same level, but Put Back places each item back in its original position.
*The “file” is actually a folder, a “package”, with a special tag so finder treats it like a file.