Random loss of wifi

Occasionally my 2020 M1 MacBook Air will either lost its wifi connection or the connection will get flaky. This is not due to router issues nor internet connectivity issues because other devices in the household are just fine. It appears to be mostly resolved by undocking it and turning off Bluetooth.

This is not a regular issue but one of those infuriating intermittent issues that happens every 3-5 months. It will be fussy like this for several days, and then at some point the troubles will end as mysteriously as they began.

Right now I can see 44 moderate to strong wifi networks, a Deskjet 4100, a Deskjet 2600, and recently a CPAP device. And I’m not having any problems - at the moment. I’m surprised wifi works as well as it does.

I would check for interference from other networks if your neighbors are close. But it could be anything including your MBA. Good luck.

Not necessarily! A gazillion years ago a switch in ISPs got me a router/wireless access port that would occasionally drop a connection (but not all connections). I disabled its WAP and installed a Air Port Extreme Base Station for WiFi that ran flawlessly until I got a smart thermostat that just would not connect. So I reenabled the router’s WAP and connected only the thermostat to that. And that worked fine. So I needed two WAPs (within a foot of each other) in order to have a reliable network. You really never know what connections will work when dealing with disparate vendors.


I always turn off the “Private WiFi address” option for my known / own networks. At home, I don’t expect to be tracked by MAC address, and I have found that it creates weird errors like disconnects from the network.

Suggest you test this to see if it helps.

Could that also be the case for iOS? my iPhone regularly loses WiFi connections in specific rooms. When I check Settings this option was on.

Yes, possibly a lot of shared code across platforms for this feature. I turn it off on all devices.

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