Raycast + Contextual commands

Hello everyone,
I’m fascinated by the idea of contextual computing.
I’ve recently discovered an app named Raycast. It’s like Alfred or Spotlight but more extensible especially with custom scripts.

In this video, I copy a URL of pull-request on GitHub, and Raycast shows me a custom command which checks out the branch and open it via VSCode.

What’s going on in the background:

  1. When I copy the URL, Keyboard Maestro is triggered by “clipboard change”. And it runs a script.
  2. Raycast watches a certain folder and uses files there as commands. Inside the script that is being run by KM, I check if the URL is GitHub pull-request. If so, I put a script file in the dedicated folder, which performs checking out and opening the branch.

These URL based contextual commands will be so much fun little hobby for me!

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