Reduced to a minimum apps and utilities loading

@Bmosbacker How are you liking Obsidian?

I’m struggling in my workflow on where to keep things. How does Obsidian fit in your workflow with DT?

Do you use DT as a digital all file cabinet? Or specific use case?

@FrMichaelFanous I’m liking it quite a bit, better than I thought! I love Craft but there are advantages to Obsidian. It has been a struggle deciding between Craft and Obsidian but I believe Obsidian is going to win the day. As to DT, I use it as my research and personal docs (receipts, tax files, etc) repository and for file conversion when needed. I also index the Obsidian vault for good measure.

I’m experimenting moving my book content from Scrivener to Obsidian. Scrivener is a fantastic app but busy and complex. Now that I have added the Obsidian footnote, tables, and Kindle plug-ins, I’m able to insert citations, images, tables, etc., all within MD files. The ability to import all of my Kindle annotations and notes into Obsidian is a game changer (yes, overused cliche), for me. And, because I have all of my writing and work files in Obsidian I can link ideas that may cross personal and professional domains.

Finally, some of the Obsidian themes have fantastic RTF rendering so one can export to beautifully rendered PDFs or to a color printer.

I also like having all of my files in MD (something I admit I’ve vacillated on). The future proofing and portability is fantastic and makes for extremely fast backups.

So, my workflow was “finalized” until Obsidian became a thing. :laughing:

So at this point, I have very few apps preloading and running on my MBP; I’ve consolidated considerably.

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It’s a very impressive room. Not only is my “home office” constantly cluttered, my 400 +/- volume Kindle/Audible library just doesn’t have the same cachet :grinning:.

But I too have been blessed much more than I deserve.

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Thanks ever so much!

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