Reviewing my subscriptions $

I tend to prefer it over the built-in calendar aesthetically. The built-in Zoom/Teams/etc integrations are nice as well. I’ve also switched my booking from Doodle to Fantastical.

100% this, Excel is just such a great piece of software. I use Numbers quite a bit personally, and I occasionally use Sheets professionally, but when I have the choice I always open spreadsheets back into Excel so I can use them properly. I’m not convinced Numbers has the full functionality of Excel, but perhaps more importantly I’m even less convinced I want to take the time to learn how to do complex things in Numbers. I grew up with Excel and I’d rather just grow old with it than have to learn to do analysis in its poor clone :joy:

It seems like I’ve actually made my decision on this… Excel to the end!

(It is interesting that Apple and Google haven’t - to my mind - had that much problem replicating writing and presentation software, and yet they’ve both stumbled a little with spreadsheets. Is it lack of ambition - there’s no way to best Excel? - or lack of interest?)

Depends on what features you use. I use so many, that I rely on Excel (on for some stuff even the WIndows version, because Excel for Mac has reduced functionality). Numbers is near useless for me for serious stuff. LibreOffice is a good alternative (and some features are way faster than Excel), but I many functions implemented in VBA, so I am stuck. If you use “normal” functions: Numbers or LibreOffice.

Thanks for your reply Lars. I’ve been using Google Sheets and Numbers for the last couple of weeks but I really don’t like either of them. Luckily though I have made my case and my employer is going to sort out access for Excel, I think I’m not the only one who cannot function in a non-Excel spreadsheet :laughing: