I pull email from services (Yahoo, Gmail) that already do spam filtering I don’t think I need a Mac-based spam filter, do I?
Actually it helps train Gmail, Yahoo spam filters even more if by chance they got past those ISP filters by integrating and training SpamSieve.
Its the same point of why someone looks at SaneBox.
In my Mailmate configuration i have around 4 personal + 8 business accounts, with the advanced functionality of this email client, i am able to route, redirect, archive, automate responses, move into task management systems or ticketing systems, file management for receipts and invoices. etc…
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Get aggressive about unsubscribing (from lists and automated notifications) and filtering to archive or trash. Makes it a lot easier to swoop in every day and clear things out.
Preamble: This refers to my private life. My professional life, working for a large corporate entity, is entirely different, and I don’t have a good system for managing email there yet.
MailMate. Use Markdown for everything, which makes it a no-brainer. Unlike AirMail, it’s rock-solid.
- I set up rules to redirect most emails to particular folders. For example, email newsletters, emails for accounts, and emails where I’m CCed for FYI only purposes all have separate folders.
- I use Sanebox to catch anything that I’ve missed using rules.
- I check my email once per week. To be blunt, everyone doesn’t need me more urgently than that, apart from family, even if they think they do.
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For me I have 4 email addresses (all using GMail) - one for work, one main one I use to sign up for things, one for my blog, and a super secret one for people I know. The last three (which I consider personal email addresses) all forward to my main account which gets processed by Sanebox.
Word of caution for anyone in the mindset of using a single email address for everything - it’s worth considering the legal implications before doing this. I know a number of people who forwarded their email (either personal emails to a work account or the other way around) without realizing all of their personal emails were then subject to discovery in work-related legal cases due to them being stored in a single account.
Moving on, I’m able to maintain “inbox zero” pretty much most days despite being a manager of almost 20 people.
My mail client of choice is Spark (was previously using Airmail but switched due to bugs).
I check my email 3 times a day - first thing in the morning, once at noon, and again before I leave the office, which is when my SaneLater roll up comes in as well. I try not to check my email outside of those times, but it’s a hard habit to break.
For emails that require an action from me, I use the snooze feature to defer emails if I know I can’t act on them until a specific date. If I can act on them today but don’t necessarily need to, I put them into Things and get them out of my inbox. I also add a task to Things if I’m waiting on a response from someone.
Anything I can’t act on, get deleted or archived. If it’s something important I think I’m going to need to refer back to, I send it Evernote.