RIP Omnivore: Omnivore to shut down on 15 November

It’s working well for me too.

My setup has evolved a bit since I last posted. I now have Hazel watching the folder the downloads go to. When a markdown file is added it runs a script that downloads any linked images locally (using this Python package) then converts the file to ePub using the Calibre CLI. The resulting ePub file is saved to Dropbox which I can access on my e-reader and iPad. The source .md file is then deleted, so I’m only using Obsidian for the initial download.

On the rare occasions that the image download fails, I find that a manual download using the Obsidian plugin Local Images Plus generally works. But usually the whole process after the initial use of the Obsidian Web Clipper is completely automated.

I can post the script if anyone would find it helpful - but it isn’t anything complicated.


I’d love to see this script!

OK, here you go.

The Hazel setup is obvious:

Then the embedded script is as follows. Hopefully my notes make sense but do ask if its not clear.

You’ll need to install Calibre and the markdown-image-downloader first.


markdown-image-downloader '(source folder here)'

# Set the source file provided by Hazel

# Set the destination folder for EPUB files
destFolder="(destination folder here)"

# Ensure the destination folder exists
mkdir -p "$destFolder"

# Extract the filename without the path and extension
fileName=$(basename "$theFile")

# Sanitize the filename by removing problematic characters. May not be necessary for you, but my e-Reader can’t cope with these.
sanitizedFileName=$(echo "$fileNameWithoutExtension" | tr -d '\\/:*?"<>|')

# Define the output EPUB file path

# Convert using Calibre's ebook-convert tool.
# --no-default-epub-cover is just my preference to not have a cover
# --markdown-extensions nl2br means it reads new lines in the markdown document as new paragraphs
# --input-encoding UTF-8 --level1-toc "//h:h1" --level2-toc "//h:h2" --level3-toc "//h:h3 creates a table of contents using the different header layers. Not essential, but I use an app that complains if there’s no TOC
"/Applications/" "$theFile" "$outputFile" --title "$sanitizedFileName" --no-default-epub-cover --markdown-extensions nl2br --input-encoding UTF-8 --level1-toc "//h:h1" --level2-toc "//h:h2" --level3-toc "//h:h3"

# Check if the conversion was successful
if [ -e "$outputFile" ]; then
    # Move the original Markdown file to the Trash
    mv "$theFile" ~/.Trash/
    echo "Conversion failed for: $fileName"
    exit 1


Thanks!!! This is great.

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