No one here. Mandatory holidays are the norm in the US. Not all jobs have paid vacation but the ones that don’t that I know about are flexible and you can take time off just not at certain times of the year.
Do you know how many jobs are unfilled because people refuse to work when they can sponge off everyone else? I can point to a number of jobs locally that cannot find willing workers that will actually show up. That’s why we have to hire in so many H2A workers. The US folks do not want to work. And to get them in you have to advertise for US based workers and prove that no-one accepted the job. Or worse, what happened to one fruit grower, hired a full slate of US based workers but many never came to the first day of work and most left after the first week. Took a long time to get the out of country workers back in after that debacle. And lest you think it’s low pay those same out of country workers were pulling down $25-30K/yr income. For all of them the employer pays all fees and travel expenses to and from the origin country. For most types of H2A workers the employer has to provide housing. In some cases, like sheep herders, not only do they have to provide housing, but all food and clothing as well.
I disagree most strongly with this. Even hunter gatherer cultures have the concept of alone time to think and reflect. Now the exact form a sabbatical takes will vary based on circumstances. but the concept, a time to stop and reflect, is a basic need for all humans and within the reach of everyone. I liked the multiple sessions, first about what they are in the context of the people talking, how they set it up, and then a good debrief. I’ve taken many of those ideas and adapted them to my own situation. I’m not likely to be in a position to go off somewhere else for quite some time but I can still do an at home sabbatical.
I would argue that for the entrepreneur a sabbatical or a chance to stop and reflect is MORE vital than for a worker bee. I would consider some sort of that reflection a mandatory feature of operating a successful business over time.
OTOH I do think that hardware and software is a big luxury. Just in my own area I know many people without any computer other than a smart phone and many with a limited phone at that. I can think of a number who still use flip phones.
OTOH Farmers of all stripes can often find a way to get a nice bit of reflection time in an among the daily work. Yes you do have to milk cows at least once a day usually twice (depending on your system and how you raise the calves) and a shepherd during lambing is at th beck and call of the needs of birthing ewes and newborn lambs. But right now, other than pumping drinking water into tanks and new hay every couple of days there is very little work to do. Enough so that Ic an actually tackle the problems of my slow computer and have had more time to plan out the next few months than is normal for my equinox reviews.