Sage Advice from a 95 Year Old

Sadly, this proves no good deed goes unpunished.

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Thanks for the uplifting post!

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Perhaps but posting what I thought was an uplifting article that results in controversy is certainly not something that I wish to do in this forum. So, a bit later today I’m going to delete it. But I do appreciate your encouragement and support. :slight_smile:

Well, just discovered I can’t delete my post. I’ll leave it to the moderators to determine if the post remains or should be deleted.

Only one person was offended. That’s a pretty good record in any forum.

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Sorry but this smacks of gatekeeping and an attempt at moderating others.

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It is heavily political. Several of his comments are in fact. Notably if you read the whole article the ‘both sides nowism" In my view the failures in the USA are heavily on the GOP side, some Governors pulled though. However I come here to get away from politics. It is the worst kind of politcs @Bmosbacker, politics that hides itself as ‘non-political’. On the other hand the guy has the decency to advocate mask wearing and following public health measures; so some slack there. In general though I would prefer if @ismh took this post off. Really, I know it seems churlish but in my view the poor response to this epidemic is not ‘a pox on both your houses’’. At best that is a banality that is best kept away from here?

Blockquote On a global scale, I’m disappointed by the lack of collaboration in 2020. My wish would be that the whole world would work together. But the way the politics are, there isn’t much hope for that. Political parties don’t want the other side to achieve anything.

Can’t agree. I think this post for reasons similar to rkaplan is unsuitable and it is, in fact, heavily political.

I only just saw it, so already that is two. And the point of keeping political commentary off this stie isn’t because of the number of complaints in the replies is it?

There are many other topics in this forum that aren’t related to Apple.

Yes, and it only took one person to essentially kill the topic.

Yeah, I feel the same way.

How is COVID-19 political? Why do we need to make it political?

COVID-19 isn’t political, the article is though, as I already said in my previous comment in more detail.

Mentioning in fact, the very trope you fall into here. Is is gatekeeping? Guess it is, this is a moderated and quality controlled site and yes, I guess I do think I am assisting that. Let’s see what the moderators decide. This topic, though it was not necessary, has become, as anybody who hasn’t been living under a log knows, heavily politicized in all kinds of sublte and dangerous ways.

I don’t need an article posted here, telling me that the problems with the abysmal response here is ‘because neither parties want the other to succeed’: when my own direct experience is far from that. Shows that one can be as banal and empty of any real insight at 95 as one can at 18.

Well it is way worse in my view, you are right but there is the extra ‘common sense’ hogwash of the ‘a pox on both your houses’ narrative. Always to the fore front when the GOP is on the back foot I found. It also shows one can be as banal and lacking in insight at 95 as one can be at 18. So that is a kind of comfort? 95 years YOUNG, and as lacking in insight as when I came back from WWII. Guess same applies to me.

I have a request. Let’s not comment further on this post. I never intended for this kind of reaction—I’ll know better next time. I don’t believe the article was political-I think some are reading far too much into it, but that said, there is no point in continuing this discussion—it defeats the very purpose of my posting it, which was to be up lifting. I’m going to flag my own post and ask the moderators to remove it.

PS: I just flagged my post and wrote:

“ I regret I posted this article. My intention was to share what I saw as an inspirational message by a 95 old gentleman for the new year. Unfortunately, some interpreted it (I believe incorrectly) as political. The last thing I want to do is create any controversy on this wonderful forum. Thank you. BMosbacker”