Siri strangeness

This is certainly a minor glitch in the large scheme of things, but it’s driving me bonkers.

I ask Siri to add fruit snacks to my groceries list.

Expected behavior: Siri adds the following to my groceries list:

  • Fruit snacks

What she adds instead:

  • Fruit
  • Snacks

She does this routinely with any item that’s not just one word. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Yes, get used to this behavior. I just asked HomePod Siri to add fruit snacks to my grocery list and she responded “I’ve added those two things”. iPhone Siri did the same thing, except she just responded “Done”.

“She” apparently hasn’t been told about fruit snacks and some other 2 word items, because the problem doesn’t occur when I add potato chips or light bulbs

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“I’ve added you to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added piece to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added of to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added crap to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added dysfunctional to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added feature you to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added suck to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added a to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added fat to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added one to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added Tim to your grocery list.”
“I’ve added cook to your grocery list.”


Isn’t there a treat somewhere about how developers are all young? They aren’t buying many fruit snacks. Yet.


Yes, just a weird one, I think. If you say “add some fruit snacks” it’ll at least get “some fruit snacks” onto the list. Some can go too far in the other direction, e.g. “add milk, bacon and cheese” creates three items like you’d want, but “some milk, bacon and cheese” creates one item.

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