So..I bought a HomePod

Sure! I use CSV files to track my time. I have the following shortcuts to make this easy:

  • A “function” shortcut that takes text input, adds a datestamp, and appends to a CSV file.
  • A shortcut for each time-tracking category. It sends predefined text to the function shortcut. I also have widgets and voice commands for these shortcuts: “Time Sleep”, “Time Jesus”, and so on.

The end result is a spreadsheet of time-tracking data. I then use an R script (I’m a data scientist) to mash the spreadsheet into a pretty visualisation of how I spent my time during the week.

The HomePod is most definitely getting better with time. I’ve also seen way more buy-in with my family but that is partly because we are already all-in with Apple Music.


Interesting. What is R script?

I have almost 30 years of records in CSV files (actually TSV). I keep current records in the Notes app and transfer them to CSV files at the end of the month. On the Mac I use Unix scripts and Keyboard Maestro to search and manipulate the files. I haven’t found a great solution for iOS. CSV Touch comes the closest but it’s read only and hasn’t been updated in many years.

That’s great - but is it good ENOUGH? My original take was that until it was good enough I wasn’t buying.

In case you’re interested I published a Drafts action to convert CSV to Markdown Table yesterday.

It’s here.

Very cool! Can I assume that’s written in JavaScript? I can use it as is by replacing the comma with a tab. Thanks for sharing!

It’s a javascript-only single-step action.

You could modify it very easily to use tab - ‘\t’ - instead of comma. I don’t create CSV with tabs so I don’t need that.

The prompt for whether to treat the first row as a header happens after the data is parsed. That’s an accident that you could easily fix. If you did you could add a switch for “use tabs instead of commas”.

Let us know how you get on.

Actually, anyone who modifies this. I might want your improvements.

(It’s perhaps notable I developed the parsing function in Scriptable and then transferred it to Drafts.)

I purchased a new HomePod from B&H Photo since the price has been reduced to $249. I put this one in my office along with one I had before and formed a stereo pair. Gotta say, it sounds really good! The stereo separation is great, and you can clearly distinguish left and right channels. :star_struck::star_struck:

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I’m torn between buying two Sonos speakers (same price as one HomePod) or spring for two HomePods. My problem is that I like the Alexa integration with the Sonos but I suspect that the HomePods have a little better sound than the Sonos. If I go with the HomePods I could just add a few Echo Dots around the house for Alexa related needs.

If any of you have a thought on this, I’m open to suggestions! :slight_smile:

I think what you are suggesting makes the most sense – get the HomePods for the sound quality (they really sound good!), and use the Echo Dots for the Alexa integration.

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