Standing keyboard and trackpad lift

Does anyone have a recommendation for a keyboard/trackpad lift? My iMac and second monitor are both on swing arms and so I could occasionally work standing up if I could find a convenient device to lift up my keyboard and trackpad when I wanted and was stable in that use, then folded up so I could work sitting down. Any ideas?

Some years ago I got 2 of these:
One broke somehow when somebody tripped on it. The other issue was no edge around the mouse tray and my Magic Mouse fell off and landed in a coffee cup. Full credit to the Magic Mouse, a bath in black coffee did it no harm at all. Other than that, the keyboard trays worked fine. They are very versatile and can be used when sitting on a sofa as well.


Thanks. I’ve seen that one on Amazon. It looks like it could be wobbly. I presume that wasn’t an issue for you?

It was perfectly fine for typing on. For me, at that price, it was a great first step in finding out how I liked standing desk.

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