Suggestions for an iOS/iPadOS Mastodon app?

Well said, and agreed with you Mitch! I’ve spent many, many of my life hours volunteering. Honestly, I think people are often at their best when they are working with one another with no payment involved. I have always found that time spent with collaborative, nonprofit community projects are some of the most rewarding hours of my life.

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FYI: Tapbots (maker of Tweetbot) is working on a Mastodon Client :heart_eyes: they also have their own instance now.

Looking forward to Tootbot


I’m still testing apps.
This UI feature in the toot! app is something I haven’t seen before, and interesting.
Using the thing at the lower right, you can use your thumb to rotate between accounts on different servers.

Count me also in the club of Tweetbot for iOS/iPadOS is great but why the long wait for parity on the Mac? I feel less and less good about paying the subscription the longer it stays out of step.

I ditched Tweetbot for Spring for that very reason, currently otp and parity between iOS/ iPadOS and macOS.
Hoping they do a Mastodon client too.


Yes, that brings back memories of IRC and Usernet servers, and the dreaded netsplits. Running a Mastodon instance is not that cheap, and it’s tricky like rolling your own SMTP service.

Some of us still use IRC :slight_smile:

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Can’t find the “toot” right now (limited search on Mastodon), but Paul did not like that name. I think he came up with another and posted a hash of that for future reference.

Whatever the name, looking forward to their client as well!

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Either Paul or Mark recently tweeted/tooted that they were working on a big update for Tweetbot and that they were also making progress on the macOS client.

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I had several chats yesterday with Paul to understand the mastodon API and he is intensivly working on the client. Mark is drawing Elefants/mastodons for the last days. :joy:

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Yes, I did see that:

Also saw Paul writing “@stefan” several times, but did not realise it was you… Nice!

Can’t wait…

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I’ve given up on using any Mac or iOS clients because TweetBot has ruined me. I expect to pick up any device and start where I left off. Even the native web interface can’t manage that reliably on a single device, even when left open 24x7.

Toot! Is going to implement the Marker API and I expect all other clients to do the same nearterm.

Nice thing is this will work client independent!!

Huge pain point at the moment also for me.

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Mastoot just added timeline sync in the last day or two. It has worked reliably for me across two iPads and an iPhone.

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Tweetbot is working on Mastodon support…. so maybe soon?

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Two apps that you can use to post that I have used. Drafts (the app that does it all, have one action that posts and another that can post to twitter and mastodon ast same time. Both in the action directory. Also Linky for sharing stuff.

You folks with 68K Macs are taken care of now.



Sweet! I have one of those …


I have a friend who has a working Apple II system. Four of us have been playing Star Lanes once a year on it forever. Ya got anything for that platform? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Drafts is adding support for posting to Mastodon. Currently in beta.