Super simple but very helpful siri shortcut - what's that code?

This is dead simple, but it was my first “I wish I could… omg I can!” shortcut.

We have a storage facility, which requires a code to open the gate. We don’t go that often, so I don’t have the gate code memorized, and it’s always a hassle to find it.

Now, I created this shortcut, with the Siri phrase “Public Storage” (the name of the facility). I pull up to the facility, say the name into Siri, and the phone reads me the code into my airpods. And it pops up the code on my phone if I want that as well.

The shortcut itself is nothing special, but boy is this handy. I have cloned it a few times for other codes, and always record the name on the sign of the building as the siri phrase, so I never have to remember what I used.

here’s the link. I think it did it correctly. I added some import questions for the first time, lmk if I messed anything up.

Code Shortcut