Task managers: Todoist, Omnifocus, GoodTask--which do you like?

I just deleted the app, but I think it’s ⌘⇧A?

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Just downloaded TickTick… why do you lot do this to me???!!!


Thanks again!

I may not have a lot ot say on this subject. My task manager needs are relatively simple–only a little bit more complicated than is available from stock Reminders.

Wouldn’t using tags in either Things or OmniFocus accomplish this?


Thank you all for this round of insights and updates on these beloved task managers. Unmentioned so far and a longtime personal favorite (which helps keep my lives organized) is a robust, equipped with the essentials and one of the originals: https://www.rememberthemilk.com/.

For those looking to step outside of the mainstream without compromising the basic GTD functionalities, or the bank ($40/year), I suggest taking a detour to RTM. You might find it’s enough!


Nope, because I can’t easily sort the top-priority tasks to the top of the list. There are workarounds but they’re not as elegant as native support for priorities.

I love using my digital task manager to store all my tasks and projects. I will use the app if I’m focusing on one project or one context (house, mac, office) and want to batch my tasks.

If I am trying to get my top priority tasks, I’m more a fan of writing them down the top 3-5 tasks for tomorrow on an index card or A5 paper and then putting that on a stand-up clipboard. I always have them in front of me instead of hidden away in my digital app that I can conveniently hit Command-H (Hide app).


Could the first one be Sorted? I am using it now and like its simplicity but it’s kind of “tactical” and does not lead itself to make you think about your overarching goals.

Amazing Marvin gets everything right (everything!) but a polished UX is not exactly its forte specially on mobile. IMHO it’s the best doing 2-way calendar syncing with Google. It’s expensive but can beat Omnifocus feature set easily.


Now I’m on a rabbit hole watching videos about Amazing Marvin and fantasizing about switching from OF :smiley:

BTW why do so much task managers have a pastel color palette?


I have been using Todoist for over 5 years and although there are few idiosyncrasies that annoy me, the natural language input is top notch and has kept me with it. The Electron issue doesn’t really both me although I don’t know how many of the ideosyncrasies that do bother me result from that. For example, I can’t create a new ToDo with command-N (which after years I still try to do — muscle memory is amazing) and there is no AppleScript support. (There are a few others that are clearly program logic/design issues).

But as a straightforward ToDo manager it does the job for me (and did I note that the natural language input is top notch?)


Yes, I think Sorted is the one I forgot the name of.

I’m still on TickTick, by the way.

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One thing in Todoist favor is that you’re not supposed to be spending more than a few minutes a day in your task manager. So if the user interface is a little bit clumsy, it’s no big deal.

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That’s my general rule. I spend time in my task manager during planning and reviewing. Most of the day I am busy in doing more and have my work chosen. I write down the 3-5 tasks to work on. It could be a batch of tasks that are due/flagged or the next 3-5 next actions from a Big Rock project. .

I like to use my quick entry hotkey or Siri to capture tasks throughout the day and accumulate them. At the end of the day I go through my OmniFocus inbox to sort them into lists and projects.

If I’m in my task manager in the middle of the day, I know I’m just procrastinating

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Speaking of Good Task… It is part of the SetApp Subscription . I downloaded it a while go but never used it. I just opened it up and I cannot really get into the app beyond the intro. I tried it a number of times.

Any idea what the problem might be?

Can I use Clean My Mac to uninstall it? Or do I need to find a specific uninstaller for this app?


If anyone knows how to get rid of that putrid yellow and red with the Reminders I would be greatly appreciative. It reminds me of that place with the Golden Arches which use to have great fries.

Tick Tick looks very nice but I am a strict Prohibitionist anti-subscriptionist. Ah. I’ll consider it.

Do you have to pay extra to use it on the Mac?

Mitch, what if you are retired? I would agree that people spend waaaaay too much time spinning their wheels getting organized. Ahem. However, it can be a lil hobby.

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I tend to consider TickTick like a better Todoist, although last time I tried 2-way sync with Google Calendar was a very finicky. Other than that, they are crunching out features really fast.

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No. The free version is fee on all platforms, but has some limitations to features and numbers of items. There’s a simple summary here

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I used TickTick until my job changed. I’m trying to learn OmniFocus now, but I’m honestly not sure the added cognitive load is worth it…

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Thanks for this mention of Pagico - I am really liking the views this has, especially timeline. It seems like a good combination of arrangement/organization, both visually and functionally.

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True. And I don’t really spend a lot of time in it. During the day, when I finish something, I scan the list to see what I want to do next. In the evening I often scan the next day to see what is coming up and maybe try to knock off one of the tomorrow’s tasks. But that’s about it. I don’t do any of the fancy GTD stuff.

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I use Things and I use priorities with Things. Things allows me to drag and drop projects/tasks items up and down the list in any view. Surely that allows prioritisation? Couldn’t be simpler.