Tell us About Your First Mac

Mine was a Performa 475, with an Apple printer (a rebadged Canon inkjet).

I got a hankering for a Mac after working with our in-house graphic designers. At the time I used a Windows PC with MS-DOS in the office. Watching them use the Mac interface It was so clearly superior that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on one.

My Mac cost me about £1,200 in 1994 or 1995. I loved it, but it didn’t all go smoothly at first. I found the installed RAM was not sufficient to print out my Claris Works documents. I had to send for more before I could print anything, which cost me just over £100.

Once I had my Mac up and running I loved it - and I haven’t looked back. The user interface was far superior to Windows machines at the time, but the choice of software only really caught up following the switch to Mac OS X.

After that first machine I owned another Performa (with in-build TV tuner), a Mac clone, a Bondi blue iMac, an eMac, several Mac minis and now an iMac - which is far superior to them all.

I can’t imagine life without it.


My first Mac was a Classic. Bought it to run Cubase (2.5 IIRC). Still have it. It’s in storage for a long time tough, so I’m not sure if it still works.

I’m afraid I was late to the Apple party… My first Mac was a mid-2010 13" MacBook Pro. 2.66Ghz Core2Duo. I got it after finally getting so fed up with my Windows laptop that was an Acer 17" beast on which the battery lasted only about 10 minutes! I splashed the cash for the Apple laptop and it lasted me a whopping 6 years - longer than any PC had lasted me before. I replaced it in 2016, with a refurbished 2015 15" MacBook Pro, and I am still using that now and it is still going strong! While they may be on the expensive side, it must be said they are built to last! I remind anyone who complains to me that Apple are too expensive of this fact :wink: The thing I loved most about the Mac, was that despite being a Windows user since forever, I became comfortable with it within just a few hours. I continue to be in awe of the fantastic software out there for the Mac which makes life so much easier, though that said I have a Windows 10 machine for work and Windows has come a long way since I made my switch!

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Mine too! and the replacement was a mid 2014 bought in 2015 15inch. I had a Dell desktop prior though.

The first Mac I saw was probably about 1984 in the McGraw-Hill Bookstore on 6th Ave. in midtown NYC. Maybe it was the original or 512k. I loved the look of the hardware and the GUI. So much cooler than my Epson Equity I with dual floppy drives, even with a Hayes 1200 baud modem and CompuServe account. But I couldn’t afford the Mac at the time.

The first Mac I bought was the LC, when it came out around 1991. Finally, a color screen! Got the 12"(?) monitor and the first StyleWriter. Can’t remember the modem, but I may not have had one immediately. I do recall getting the Global Village modem eventually, and eventually I tried AOL dialup, along with eWorld, Prodigy, BBSes like NYMUG’s, and even ISPs like By then I think I had a Quadra, but not sure.

I got my first Mac in 2009. My wife and I were in the market for something and I had grown up with PC’s. She had grown up with Macs, so there was some discussion about what to get. I also knew that I wanted to get a laptop where she wanted to get another desktop machine. The compromise was a MacBook Pro. I came to love using the machine and she admitted that she was glad we got the laptop. The only hard part about using the MacBook was getting it out of her hands.
After that MacBook was stolen when our house was broken into, it was replaced with a late 2011 MacBook Pro that was my workhorse until I bought my new MacBook Air in May of this year. Apple has a customer for life.

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Power Mac G4 desktop with 23” Apple Cinema Display