Things 3 vs. Todoist

Thanks guys, I’ve contacted support. If you have the app open on two devices and you create a new task does it sync immediately or do you need to close the app you created the task on?

I just checked now with the desktop app and the iPhone one. Create a todo on Mac, it appears on the mobile app almost instantly. Create a todo on iPhone, it takes a little bit more (up to 5-10 seconds). No need to restart anything.

Unless I was with a timer, I would say both scenarios are compatible with “seamless syncing”.

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Many thanks, that’s certainly not happening on my system. I’ll wait to hear back from culture code.

Does Things have a number of projects and Tasks limit? Has anyone hit the limits with Todoist?

I dont think there is a limit in the number of projects or tasks. Only that syncing would take more time --that’s also the case with Omnifocus, but for this to be noticiable you should have hundreds of thousands of project or tasks!

Regarding Todoist, see here