This “goober” needs WiFi / Router Advice

You have fiber optic internet?

What’s the name of your internet service provider?

Is their router available for purchase on Amazon or other sites (or is there any information about it online)? If so, could you provide me with a link or two?

Are you talking about Google Fiber?

Yes. Gigabit internet provided by my local power association (NEMEPA) that covers many counties in northern MS.

The router is from a company called Calix. I don’t think they sell routers to individuals nor, most probably, would you choose this one if given a choice. It’s working fine for me at present but at some point may connect my eero to see if there is any difference in coverage.

May I ask why?

Why does everybody on this forum love Eero?

If you Option Click on the WiFi icon in your menu bar it gives you detailed information about your network and your neighbors when you hover over their network name.

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I can’t speak for everyone but as a new user having installed three Eero pros yesterday after having had significant wifi issues using Zoom with 200+ in a call, my wifi is much better. I understand that for most people installing Eeros is simple and fast. In my case it took a couple of hours because I had to create a bridge with the AT&T router before I could create a new wifi network with the Eero.

Though I have not yet had an opportunity to replicate the 200+ person Zoom call, I can definitely tell the difference throughout the house. I have an Eero in the kitchen, study, and master bedroom in a three story home. I have a 40mbps plan and I’m consistently getting 33 to 38.5mbps throughout the house and the back patio while my wife uses her laptop and the TV is on using wifi for U-verse TV. Additionally, there are three Amazon echoes, two Home Pods and two smart plugs on the network. I’ve segmented the network so that U-verse and the echoes run off the AT&T access point and all other devices run through the Eeros.

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Ah, so that’s why everybody on this forum loves Eero. :sweat_smile:

Purely based on my past experience with Internet Provider-supplied routers (2 models from Cox Communication; 3 from ATT). In each case, eero provided better coverage. I could be wrong about the Calix router. Time will tell.

Not everyone on this forum loves eero. Here is an example of a topic on routers on this forum. There are most probably others. Search for “router”.

Sure, not everybody, but a lot of people do.