Time to Move from Mail to Outlook on the Mac?

I will go and check MS Outlook. My apple scripts have broken with the “new” version. I think someone else posted that re-integration is on their timeline. If now works, that would be great.

The New Outlook for Mac is apparently more like the web-based Outlook in terms of feature parity and function. Have you tried that out? I’ve just started testing it.

This is really cool!

That’s a strong endorsement.

I think I’ll check it out based on this last example. Thanks :pray:t3:

Sometime in the last year, Outlook for Mac stopped displaying search results when I lose my network connection. I wish I could figure out how to get it search locally again.

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Have you looked at this?

I did trial Outlook for Mac for a couple of weeks since I’ve got Office 365 for both personal and work emails, as well as iCloud email.

It generally works well and I do like that you ca n tag people you’re responding to, but I soon realised that you cannot use iCloud Aliases anymore, which is a dealbreaker. I can’t even sent emails from my custom domain anymore.

Back to Spark for now, it has gotten different but it starts to feel like it’s heading in the right direction again.

Do aliases and custom domains work in spark?

Yes like a charm actually, you just need to set them once.