Timelines 2.0 has arrived, with subscription

Update cost is the cost a dev needs to maintain his product. Which the dev should be knowing. When he is offering a subscription model, he already knows the cost of what it takes to maintain his software for next year or two. Its the way you foresee and then spread them onto subscriptions.

If you don’t like the price - subscription, license or purchase - you can choose something else. You can wish for prices to be anything you want, based on marginal cost or the phase of the moon, but saying what pricing a developer ‘should’ charge is something of a waste of time, in my opinion. :man_shrugging: Again, it’s up to the market to decide if it’s acceptable value for price, and no amount of ‘should’ changes that.

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End of the day it’s the market that decides. No doubt about it. It’s the universal truth

At the same time one would want to support the dev for the app they like and keep continuing to use it, than investing in a new workflow with a new app. It’s this fact that most of us are trying (hoping) on what should be a value for a product.

Yes. Again to reiterate it. If you can’t afford it. Move on to next affordable app.

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Yes, we agree, Santosh!

Well actually cars (at least in Europe) had a similar pattern to software: it was a kind of good one owned (unless it was a business) and now all manufacturers are pushing owner to buy a subscription that gives the car and other perks

As @bowline has stated we have be beating this dead horse to death several times.

What I am seeing is that this is just the start and a majority of app developers have spent enough time on the business model and are now faced with the position to pay the piper.

I expect to see this moving towards a sustainable business model as this area is flattening out on the technology curve and one needs to set a budget for software and then carefully prune their chosen apps.

I think many areas are oversaturated such is the case with this time tracking.

I personnaly use two programs. One is harvest that is just fantastic with handovers to Windows, IOS and macOS. That is $10.00/month but I use it to create invoices as well so well justified.

Then the other is Timing that. is available on my Setapp subscription

I think two programs are enough to track how non-productive that I am

I am with SuperTachyon on this one. If subscriptions are to be valid they surely should be for new features. It is unfair to pay for an app and then be expected to pay a subscription after that for continued use.

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No one in this thread is claiming that.

v1.x functionality for previous owners does not change.

Yeah, I would have to agree with you.

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