Using external display on the iPad Pro

I’ve been iPad Pro only at home since last year and little by little my need for a MBP has diminished significantly. There’s just one thing that I enjoy using a MBP at work is having an external display for multitasking. You can plug in your iPad Pro with another display but it will just mirror it.

I plugged it in today just to check if there’s any improvement with iPadOS using an external display but so far same experience. When I opened LumaFusion, I discovered that you can switch the display for the video on your external monitor and I find it very useful for video editing.

Apple Music will play music video on your external display but it should be the only app on display. If you open Safari side-by-side it will mirror your display.

I’m wondering if anyone here discovered what other apps has this kind of feature. Would love it
if there’s a photo editing app that can display the image you are working on without the tools while on your iPad display, you can see the image and all your tools. A browser that can display another tab would be really helpful too.