On the Mac, I use the heck out of the utility “Alfred”. One great Alfred workflow has now been updated for OmniFocus 3 by its developer, Rhyd Lewis: “Search OmniFocus Alfred Workflow”. It allows you to quickly jump to a project or perspective or tag in OmniFocus from any application.
The new twist I’ve just started using is to employ the built-in “Snippet” function (similar to TextExpander) to speed this up even further. I hit the hot-key for launching Alfred (for me, it’s ⌥-SPACE) and then I type a keyword that expands to the info that the workflow needs to take me to specific perspectives, projects, or tags. For example:
;;d ==> .v Dashboard [takes me to the perspectiVe “Dashboard”]
;;b ==> .t braindead [takes me to the Tag “braindead”]
Wicked fast!
The workflow is available at https://github.com/rhydlewis/search-omnifocus (Note that the Alfred “Powerpack” is required to run workflows.)