Waiting for MBP to Open with Face ID πŸ˜€

I use my iPad and iPhone enough that I find myself more often than I will admit sitting in front of the MBP waiting for it to open. In a few seconds I remember I have to use Touch ID. Tell me I’m not the only one? Please! :see_no_evil:


I use my Apple Watch.


I also use my Apple Watch to unlock both my iMac Pro and my Intel MBP. The latter has TouchID but the watch is often faster.

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I also use the Apple Watch but for some reason at times the Apple Watch disconnects from unlocking the MacBook Pro. I’m not quite sure why as I’m running the very latest OS on all of my devices

Absolutely this ^^
The unlock with Apple Watch became so stable and advanced these days.

This doesn’t usually happen to me. Any reason you think this is happening?

No clue. After a reboot the watch opens the MBP reliably for a week or two and then it stops working. When this happens the first 1-2 times I open the lid I’m sitting there waiting like I do with the iPad not realizing my Apple Watch is not unlocking the MBP. A minor aggregation. This post was mostly one of humor as I caught myself without thinking waiting for the MBP to unlock like the iPad, which I use for 80+% of my work. It would be nice to have all of the devices using the same methods for unlocking. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m having the opposite problem. I’ve been using my iPad Mini so much that I keep trying to find the Touch ID sensor on my iPad Pro. Then, I realize that I need to enter a code most of the time because FaceID fails as I have to use a mask all day at work.