Watch complications slow to update from phone?

Here’s an odd one:

My watch is connected to my phone, and getting data. but some apps, like Streaks, are very slow to update between devices. Streaks can take hours at a time. But I don’t think it’s just Streaks. Sometimes Dark Sky is very old data, and sometimes the Drafts number is out of date.

Or maybe it’s a problem with Streaks, and I’m imagining the rest.

Any suggestions? I’ve tried restarting the watch and the phone. I’m afraid of having to unpair/re-pair the watch, and deal with the hassle!

I’m seeing similar things - for carrot weather. I also see that the hear rate widget doesn’t update when on the activity analog face and added to the bottom complication. It used to display an occasional heart rate and now all it displays are the words “HEART RATE”. I should node this is new with watchos 5 on my series 3.