Weird Apple Watch alarm/timer sound problem

My daughter has a Series 9 watch which has developed an annoying problem. Basically, alarms and timers will alert, but it will be totally silent – no sounds and no haptics (and yes, those settings are turned on).

If she shuts down and reboots the watch, it will work properly again for a day or two, then next thing she knows they simply stop sounding or vibrating again.

I have scoured the web – am totally confounded. We have an ongoing case with Apple, where they have run diagnostics multiple times. No solution yet. We had reset the watch a couple of times – problem still persisted.

Finally, I convinced her we needed to unpair/reset and start over as a new watch, and keep all 3rd party apps off of it (i.e., essentially boot it into Safe Mode). We just did that a day or two ago – this is obviously to check if a third party app is interfering. I am not too hopeful, but maybe that will be the culprit.

Anyone run into this issue or heard about it? She is ready to throw the watch through the window.

P.S. It’s apparently a thing some experience as shown here by way of example - Apple Watch loses alarm and timer sounds - Apple Community

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