What are your biggest barrier(s) to going iPad only or primary

I nearly went iPad only. I was about to drop the Mac when we started Automators so I got it because I knew people could help me get set up on the Mac and double ended recording is much easier there. My setup is such that I could do all of that with my podcasting equipment and iOS too - my Zoom recorder would do the recording, but that’s ok!

The sticking point while I do my MSc is citation software. We have to submit in Word format, and I don’t like unnecessary work so I use Zotero. I could write in LaTeX with citations just fine on iOS, but translating that to Word after would be a nightmare, so I do most of that work on the Mac. Though I do a lot of writing on iOS and just write citations in my own custom syntax so I can drop in the right reference later from my Mac.


Yes! I meant to add this to my original post as well. I still do a lot of writing on the iPad but still need to transfer it to my MacBook to finish up citations

He also uses an iMac at home I believe, so I don’t think he’s running on iOS only. What’s interesting to note is that many feel like iOS can get many tasks done for us, but also feel like I still need a Mac to get the heavy lifting done for certain tasks.

I’ll continue to use my iPad but it won’t replace my Mac in any scenario for a while I imagine.

@ptarh I hesitate to get involved because I think the tone of your replies is pretty negative and dismissive. I’m hoping it’s just a case of tone being lost in text and that you aren’t intentionally trying to insult people.

That being said, you should look at what Jonathan Morrison is doing. He’s a professional video editor and has been using the iPad Pro to make/edit pro videos. He then shares a video of him doing those edits. It’s a pretty fun watch and I’m not even a video editor!

Others have already pointed out people like Jason Snell who do serious podcast/sound editing on the iPad.

Also, I think we will see an increase in more powerful applications come to the iPad (e.g., Adobe), although here are already plenty, for video/image editing.


@RosemaryOrchard I had the same inflection point when I was working on my recent master’s degree. I did the bulk of writing on my iPad in Scrivener, but for final citation/editing, I moved it to the Mac to use that version of Word, where Zotero played nicer.

For my initial drafts, I loved writing on my iPad, though. But that only made me more sad when I had to move the project over to the Mac. Ha!


I was iPad only but I started doing more design and video at work. I didn’t know about luma fusion and affinity designer hadn’t hit the App Store yet.

I could easily go back to being iPad only and probably will one day.

@HobbyCollector and @RosemaryOrchard - The points you raise align perfect with the concept that I’ve been focused on. For me, the ideal world is iPad software is sufficiently enabled for me to take a task [every task?] from start to finish.

Most of us on this thread know that we can already do this with a lot of tasks. Still, there are too many tools that give me some functionality, but not other functions that I need. As a result, I’m sometimes less productive because I have to do something in one place and go somewhere else to take it to the finish line. Additng citations is a perfect example of something the software should be enabled to do to allow you to complete the task at hand. I think this kind of problem is a software-developer problem, not an iOS problem. iPad is certainly powerful enough to handle citations in an academic work flow.

It’s perfectly fine that some platforms [tools] are better to use for certain jobs than others. It’s perfectly fine that one may have a preference for one tool over another. But an alll purpose computer should be able to at least allow you to do the thing, whether you choose to do it somewhere else or not is a different issue.

Ideally, developers will being to treat iPad as a serious, all-purpose machine. (Some already do.) On the other hand, I feel for developers who are now expected to have their apps work perfectly and be on every single platform (and perform just as perfectly on each of them). That results in a lot of resources that have to be directed to cross-platform development, which in turn, probably slows down overall core app development. —> But, alas, this is a digression that is more appropriate for another thread.

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@ptarh - I’ve been a Linux user for a long time and I hadn’t thought about it, but your analogy to the “Linux on the desktop” debates is pretty good. But I hope it turns out to be a premature—and incorrect—indictment.

For all of us the goal is just to be able to get our “work” (however one defines it in their life) done. The second goal would be that we could do so on tools we enjoy using: the delight factor. And many of us hold out hope—for the reasons laid out in this thread and elsewhere—that iPad will be a “complete” solution for us to accomplish those work tasks.

You are wrong about the value of anecdotal evidence. Anecdotes are perfectly valid to establish certain things—I.e., an IPad can be used to do X. It may not be able to prove that such use is ideal or efficient. But you have been arguing here that something cannot be done (to describe your argument in the most charitable light). The anecdotes disprove that conclusion. Arguing whether it should be done on an iPad is another question.


Well, it seems maybe I’m reading your tone correctly. You don’t seem interested in actually having a conversation, rather you just want to talk at people.

I was not trying to imply iPads are right for everyone in video editing, but instead was trying to point you in the direction of someone who has been able to make it work and whose videos I find pretty entertaining.

Thanks for explaining “anecdotal evidence” — in my 4 degrees, I’ve never come across that term. :man_facepalming:

I’m sure you will have some response for this, so I want you to know you’ll get the last word. I no longer want to partake in discussion with you in this matter. Best of luck!


You make a good point on the frustration of having to move between platforms.

I’ll add, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy that has become lately, however. For instance, in Scrivener I was able to seamlessly move between my iPad and iMac if I felt I needed more screen real estate while incorporating research. Also, when it was time to move everything into Word (not counting the integration with Zotero problems), at least Word for MacOS and for iOS did well when bouncing back and forth. Track changes worked pretty well, too.

It’s just funny — it seems in some areas I forget how far we have actually come, but it doesn’t stop me from hoping it gets even better in the future! :slightly_smiling_face:

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We will never know, how it plays out in the end. Until it happens, or not - remember linux. And yes, I was using it too for 8 years in a row so I know that difference between own perception and the reality.

As long as we are dealing with a device which is executing a turing-complete language, anything can be done. Or, anything one can do on another device executing another turing-complete language. However, it is not that simple in reality since writing software is time-intensive and one mostly have to deal with what is available at the platform. And I still would say, that one need to overlook a lot to claim iOS would be on the same level with macOS for productive work. Which does not mean that it cannot work for some simpler/straight forward workflows - I never claimed something else. Is it a statement you can agree with?

Hey gang, we had a couple of comments here that were out of line that I removed. Let’s keep it civil. :wink:


I think we could probably all agree that for some people, the iPad is all that they need. For others, the Mac is all that they need. And for most of us, both works out the best.

In the same fashion, some of us only use a laptop. Others feel the need for a desktop - whether a Mini, MacPro, iMac, iMacPro. Some have both to meet their needs.

I happen to have an iPad Pro 12.9, which I carry to work about 1/2 the days. I have 2 laptops, a 2018 MBP 15” and a 2018 MBAir. I prefer the Air when I am traveling, even just moving around the house, etc, because mostly it’s powerful enough and I much prefer a smaller laptop (if I want more screen real estate, I just got the LunaDisplay dingus, having used Duet software previously). However, I also do a lot of photography and bought the 15” for the faster processor, more RAM (32GB), bigger screen for when I do photography outside of my office, etc. Mostly it’s docked on my desk to an external monitor and keyboard and mouse, but sometimes it gets carried around when I need that power with me.

That doesn’t mean anyone else needs two laptops, and someone else might find an iMac better for their photography needs, which doesn’t invalidate my use case either.

This thread would be great as a way to discuss the areas that the iPad creates cognitive dissonance that prevents you from getting something done on the iPad that you then resort to doing on the Mac, and even more importantly, maybe someone else has thought of a solution that would help you with that issue. I hope we can get away from the holy wars.

Now let’s discuss Canon vs Nikon!


(Off topic, but given the conversation it’s amusingly ironic to note that the Linux kernel has the greatest installed base of any consumer level operating system in the world :slight_smile: )


As I’ve said on the show, I’m “team both”. I’ve been using Macs as long as there have been Macs and I still love them. Still, the tech enthusiast in me loves learning new things and the iPad gives so many opportunities to practice ‘mind like water.’ I still have frustrations with iPad and some days I’m tempted to get a laptop but the iPad also comes with little bits of delight and, after working through an issue, I even sometimes come up with solutions that are superior to what I can do on my Mac. Also, iOS is still changing so much. It really is fun to be along for the ride.


I cannot go iPad only because I really need the PC version of Excel on a daily basis and Hazel. I haven’t really thought about what my use case might be beyond those two reasons because they are dealbreakers.

Also I don’t want to open up a can of worms but cost is also a serious issue particularly if I need a macOS machine on top of an iPad.

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While my iPad has taken over a lot of things I used to do on a laptop, it still comes up short for quite a few tasks. I used to be on my MBP daily, now it’s every few days depending on my activities. Being retired my needs are different different than a lot of people.

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That used to be one of my pain points as well. It made writing and posting to my blog very cumbersome and I found myself not writing as often because of it. I did switch to WordPress and while it’s not as customizable as Squarespace with some of the basic plans I was able to modify a template enough that I like for my blog. I now write in Ulysses and post to WordPress directly from there. The WordPress iPad and iPhone app is surprisingly really good (so much better than Squarespace’s app) and receives regular updates.

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While I don’t use the PC version of Excel I do find that working in spreadsheets for more than basic tasks on the iPad is pretty much a nightmare and a lot of functionality is lost.


My work today, and trying to find something to help mapping out a game idea, has shown me again that I love the iPad if a single app does exactly what I want, but usually I need multiple apps/windows and turn to the Mac.

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