What If We Just Stopped Being So Available?

I think this is an excellent article and one that should cause us to pause and think about how we allow ourselves to be shackled to our technology.


Yep. People are starting to push back.
There’s a good episode of The Mind Explained ( How to Focus) that talks about this.

The inverse is to be contacted from someone trained to expect (demand) an immediate response to an inquiry that in itself is not urgent.

I like the “right to disconnect” guideline in France.



I’ve not read the article, but this is the thrust of Cal Newport’s Deep Work book. You do your best quality work when you can focus.

By the same token, those who rest for evening and weekends, while taking regular work holidays (vacation time) product better quality work more consistently.


Brings back shuddering memories of being an Air Staff officer.


Thank you for your service.

This is the epitome of being “alienated from our labour power”, to use a famous phrase:

Once we’ve sold it it’s harder to control what’s done with it; Responsiveness is an imperative of those we sold it to.

I’m always “Appear Offline” on our Teams chat. No one’s bothered by it and no one questions me, even my boss is using it.

This article also spoke to me when I read it. Later last year, I turned off almost all notifications on my phone.

This year, I took it a step further and turned off all notifications on my phone. No red bubbles, no banners. I am training my contacts that I will receive their texts – and reply – when I think to open the Messages app. These days that’s probably hourly or so – at some point I expect it will drop.

I’ve never felt more free. Us being coworkers, family, friends – whatever we are – does not give you instant rights to my attention whenever you please.