why would you want to when you can use dropbox sync across all devices even if you don’t have dropbox installed. The free acount works perfectly. There are lots of ways to sync DT without ever touching icloud.
I didn’t even own a Mac when that app was first released.
I was using an Amiga and a Win2k PeeCee
I seem to do more nearly all organizing and filing with DEVONthink on my Mac. I sync my databases to my iOS devices (using the local Bonjour option, which I find to be quick/reliable) and then access content using DEVONthink To Go when I’m out and about. That seems to work for me—I can usually find what I’m looking for in DTTG. My other use case for DTTG is to read/annotate PDFs on an iPad. I usually access said PDFs via a link from OmniFocus or Obsidian. The use case for DTTG I don’t engage in is doing something like taking notes or recording some kind of input on the fly. I find other apps (Drafts, for instance) to be better suited to this. So that’s how I manage mobile access, but whether that setup would work for someone else is unclear. YMMV, as the saying goes.
I had bought a copy of DEVONthink Pro and used it for a few years, but I gave away my license (with DT permission) because I could never get the AI to work for me and the mobile app was lacking.
I now know why the AI wasn’t working: my interests aren’t narrowly focused, like a writer, journalist or a researcher’s would be, on one subject of deep interest. My interests are all over the map, and the AI couldn’t get a handle on what was related, because nothing was related.
I’m now using and liking Agenda (with dates for daily journal entries and action items, and mostly without dates for the reference material I need), iCloud file system for files, and paper planner for long-term scheduling history.
iCloud Drive works much better since Sonoma (now File Provider-based) and with fiber internet to the home for vastly improved upload speeds.
I’m really tempted to go back to Craft for a bit. It’s very close to what I’m looking for.
But no encryption isn’t great and storing on local storage limits is usefulness. Such a nice app though. I’m a sucker for a smooth interface.
Agenda is a very appealing Mac app and I initially put it on par with the NotePlan app (which is quite a bit more expensive than Agenda.) The deciding factor for me was that NotePlan stores everything in simple text files (.txt or .md) with Markdown formatting. But NotePlan also won me over with its excellent editor, Daily Notes, revision system, and tight calendar integration.
NotePlan vs Agenda: An Overview | NotePlan Blog It’s possible that Agenda has added some of its identified missing features since this comparison was written.
Hi everyone and happy New Year!
Another year and I’m still, like most of you probably, in love with those endless and very interesting conversations on what note app to use. I am myself still bouncing between the different solutions and trying to gravitate around a simple yet powerful system for 2024. I truly belive we spend too much time playing with our system rather than leveraging the content we store into it (notes, documents, spreadsheets…). I fell in the trap too
- Apple Notes: like many here, I think Apple did a great job and made the app powerful while keeping its power out of the sight for more casual users. This solution works well for quick capture, temporary notes, shared notes with family/SO/friends and also to scan documents. Even with exporting options on the market, I am not putting all my eggs there as I want a more powerful solution to retrieve all my notes.
- Notebooks: this leads me to this powerful app (or suite of apps, available on iOS, iPadOS, MacOS and even WatchOS which is not the case of Notes.app) developed by Alfonds Schmid. A true hidden gem (finding it on the AppStore by searching for its name is a difficult thing sadly…) which can store all kinds of documents à la DEVONthink while still being very usable on mobile and simple. I am still debating what I should put on this app (all/part/none of my Apple Notes). This could also become a good Obsidian replacement native for Mac, although less powerful.
- DEVONthink: I still have to set it up properly but it would ideally index my Notebooks folder and look at all of my documents stored there for better retrieval, linking (with AI)… I see it as a tool on top of my current system to have an overview on what I collected.
- Paper: let’s not forget the good old paper notebook which I still use to jot down notes and be more creative. I am still debating whether I should buy a paper agenda for this year or not, maybe to combine notes and events like NotePlan/Agenda but on paper
Including deciding to delete files for you without your knowledge. A bug that is STILL not fixed although there are more tools to discover the losses now. Also hides everything in a database so you can export but it’s painful to do for large system and not at all easy to reconfigure the links and structure you had on the system once you move the individual files out. I know I had 3 huge DT databases and it took months to get everything out and then rebuild my structures.
a DT “database” is nothing more than a managed directory. I don’t “link” files so I cannot even imagine what happened there. That would be frustrating to have to reconnect lots of things.
Hidden in a package without the readable directory names of a finder namespace. Try doing a full export and reconnect sometime and you’ll see the issues.
I will pass on that.
What did DT say when you reported the bug?
That’s fascinating, because when I tried NotePlan, I couldn’t figure out how to import my 1153 daily notes into it so they were formatted correctly. Isn’t that odd? The program was the same for both of us.
Whereas, with Agenda, it was dirt simple to import from Markdown translated from HTML. (BBEdit multi-file search and replace FTW) Agenda even automatically knew what date to assign for each note. It didn’t automatically assign the dates, so I had to do that individually, but I had to go through my notes anyway:
I had used so many different notes apps to get to the current place where I am right now that things got a little messed up in many notes over each successive import. I needed to make sure that all of the back links were set up properly and delete the first line of every note which was the date.
I mostly started from scratch with NotePlan so I did not have much in the way of import problems. I copied and pasted a few of my existing Daily Notes into NotePlan to work with them and see how I liked the program. (I was using the TaskPaper app at the time which was easy to convert to Markdown via search and replace in BBEdit.) No need to import a lot of past data since I’ve been keeping Daily Notes for a very long time and each year I have rolled them up, no matter the program I used to create them, into one big annual plain text document and stored them in my EagleFiler everything app for easy access. Still do that with my Daily Notes from NotePlan. Every morning, after reviewing the previous day’s notes, I append a copy to my annual rollup document in BBEdit. Plain text does not take up much space and I like having more than one way to access my Daily Notes.
I’m glad NotePlan works for you, and I’m relieved to find Agenda is working for me.