Working with text block in PDF

I always forget about this awesome group while I’m pulling my hair out trying to solve a problem.

So my situation: I am trying to work with a particular PDF on my iPad Pro. This PDF has fields that I would like to insert data and often this data is two linesimage. Using PDF Expert I enter the data and the bottom of the second line gets cut off (see photo). Would another PDF viewer on iOS not cut this off? I have also tried to manipulate this document in word, but it always tells me it’s locked and I cannot edit the document.

Any thoughts on a solution to this problem? Any help would be appreciated.

How to do it on iOS no idea.

But to me this screams a problem where tophe solution is not a work around but to change the system, the screenshot you have posted is of like a warehouse receipt form.

I presume that after it is filled out, it is sent to some back office person to be added to a database to track stock levels or something. So why can’t you just get a web form to interact with directly?

My other suggestion would be to send the details to something like a google sheet spreadsheet and then batch make the PDFs on a computer using some scripting to speed things up.

I don’t think that’s an iPad specific issue. This has happened to me when writing in a text block on a pdf on a Mac and the text being bigger than the size of the box. I would try adjusting the text size.

Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it! I thought of changing the size of the text but I can’t find a way of changing the size of the text in PDF Expert on iOS…

Hi Ben, thanks for the response. So what happens is once completed I have to print the PDF for our records (it’s an Army thing = still no paperless workflow) so when it’s printed I have to be able to read all the text.