"xrOS" and you: what would convince you to buy Apple's upcoming VR thing?

Dual Studio Displays and an M2 MacBook. I had no idea that the headset would be a stand-alone computer. I won’t be buying this one, of course, but I am looking forward to the third or fourth generation as that’s when I usually get in on the latest Apple goodness.

MKBHD just published his thoughts about it.

Apple Vision Pro Impressions

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Total fail - worse than Google Glasses

No realistic market for it

P.S. Fair Disclosure - that is exactly what I said after the first iPhone was released

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The VP is impressive technology but it is a newborn. It will take a few years to get an idea what it might be when it grows up.

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While I am sure this tech is not aimed at me nor would I ever want one, I was instantly reminded of this… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogates.

Related thing I have noticed where I live we have a lot of tourists, often lost. You used to be able to offer to help or be asked, mostly now if you attempt to help people recoil in horror and gesture to their phone.

Human interaction is dying VR or whatever you wish to label it is just another nail in it’s coffin.



Gruber seems pretty blown away:


This was an excellent overview and review! Much more detail and analysis than most. I am now scheming ways to justify this purchase…


I agree, an outstanding review. Much better than any thing I’ve read up to this point.


Well now. Based on that review, I guess I better start saving my pennies.

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I too wondered about its capabilities to sense and project IR or other ‘non-human detectable’ information in situations like fire fighting - maybe overlay building schematics, critical shut off valves, or ‘remove smoke’ from the view by using a LIDAR view.

In a completely different direction I can see an opportunity for venues to offer ‘experiences’. Think of a karaoke bar with private rooms where you can order food and drink, but go either individually or with a group of friends to go see U2 at Red Rocks, or your favorite singer in an intimate venue - maybe with AI generated ‘personalizations’ - or maybe not AI generated - think of a Cameo app style intro welcoming you, your kids, etc to the event…

This would give people the opportunity to experience the device without having to shell out $3500….