10.16 design criticisms and marketing name isn’t Apple’s best (in my opinion)

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Yes! Sorry, my last sentence wasn’t clear so I edited it. I meant to say I like the new version number more than the new name, but the name is fine.

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For anyone thinking I have a minority opinion, which is completely fine of course, but I’ve just looked outside of this forum searching for

Big Sur Name

in Tweetbot. The results are no what Apple was aiming for and already support my point. Less than 24hrs old and there are jokes. The point of naming any product is to give it a unique, alluring name, not one which leads to dismay and ridicule.

Thanks for the lesson, Derek.


Thank you. That’s exactly my point.

People bought iPads and the name, and the product won over the ridicule. The utility of the hardware was fundamental.

Software doesn’t have that. Especially free software which only exists for 12 months. So pick a strong name to “sell” it straight away.

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  1. Ridicule is a… ridiculously strong term to use.

  2. I don’t believe we saw ridicule for Mavericks or High Sierra.

  3. You’ve made two statements of fact in this thread that have been disproven, one in the title of the thread. Your opinion here is just that … just an opinion. You’ve made yours clear. No one is agreeing with you.

  4. So far you’ve made that opinion as if it were fact, said that someone who disagreed with you was wrong, then another, then when no one took your side you dismissed all the other opinions as being ‘self-selected’. Doesn’t matter to me, I love a good rant.

So I shouldn’t have an opinion?

Clearly we disagree. So let’s leave it there.

Can’t wait for the first Bug Sur reports.


@Derek, with all due respect, you may be tilting at windmills here. I mean, if the only beef you have is with the name…


Well, maybe not Mojave but certainly Mavericks. I was born and raised in Southern California, surfed in Malibu, and I’ve never heard of Mavericks.

Indeed. Fortunately, that mockery lasted about 48 hours after the announcement, and has not been heard from since.

We wandered down the rabbit hole of the name that’s true.

Beyond that there’s predominance of rounded rectangles with disproportionately large radii, white flat windows, translucency, windows that aren’t windows (such as in the control centre) and so on. This is an unnecessary, bringing over iOS elements to macOS.

I fail to see any utility in making every UI element a rounded rectangle - even the menus from the menubar have this cruft.

I’m all for Catalyst as a technology to enable a common code base but that doesn’t have to mean common UI design.

I’m pleased to see that some elements like translucency can be disabled but others we may have to just tolerate hoping that they are diluted in time.

I grew up in Arizona; I’ve spent a lot of time in the Mojave Desert (Joshua Tree is still one of my favorite places). If you’d asked me three years ago I would have said the Mojave was fairly well known. After 10.14 was announced it quickly became clear that not many people outside the region had ever heard of the Mojave Desert.

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Yes, I read that reference (about the rounded rectangles) in your original post, but it’s just fluff. Shouldn’t we focus on the substance instead?

I think there’s a benefit to a common visual language among Apple’s OSes.

Beyond the visual benefits, there’s speculation that there’s a second shoe to drop regarding those “disproportionately large radii” and greater padding around certain UI elements.


They’re just words. You could call it Btfsplk for all it matters.

(Anybody get the reference?)

So, you didn’t like Snow Leopard, and don’t like the Rocky Mountains either?

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I never understood that. I thought the Mojave desert was well known. It does help if they can pronounce it, and I think that was more of an issue for Mojave than location.

Regardless, a single word regardless of location or etymology is can be a product name. It doesn’t have to be somewhere people know or recognise.

Let’s all hope it’s just speculation.

“Big Sewer” might be fun…

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