106: Home Offices with Laura Vanderkam

Enjoyed this podcast – thanks. The “shutdown” routine was interesting to explore.

Both my morning startup and shutdown are based on Forecast, Priority, then Execute (something from the Asian Efficiency Workflow in an Omnifocus course over there (member site)).

In the morning, I check my calendar to see what is on the hard landscape, leaving me with the time that I can put to my own use. I then nominate my 3 most important things - what has the priority today given the time available. I time-block the day on a calendar for that purpose. I transcribe my 3 items and day’s calendar into my paper week-to-view planner on my desk. I just do the same thing in 30 minutes or less every afternoon and/or morning, keeping it as simple as possible. I just don’t have the time to spend all day in a task manager when my focus is on execution. If I’ve skipped the previous morning or afternoon’s session then I can generally pull something together quickly. Out of interest, I check my email in those blocks, and also a 15 minute “Reset” block after lunch, because I can’t get motivated right away after lunch and it eases me back into work.

During the day I have How Long Left sitting my menubar on my Mac counting down what time I have left in my current time block while I’m Executing.

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Great episode and more than useful topic, these days! :slight_smile: Thanks, as usual!

As documented in this forum, my shutdown routine involves writing my daily Captain’s Log.
As I’ve mentioned, it’s a daily log in which I cover the events of the day, which I also share with my team (192 workdays in!) which has the interesting effect of adding the external pressure of knowing there’s an audience even though I make a point of writing it for myself.
And since my day ends on that note, that forces me to, well, end my day at some point. ^^

It’s proven an efficient routine since the log itself allows me to unload the day from my head and lay what I mean to tackle the following day.

That said, I also use Todoist to capture thoughts throughout the day and I usually follow the log by a quick look at what in my todoist inbox, then proceeding to moving/editing its contents to the appropriate folder. Note that I do that after the log so I rely on how I feel about my day to write it, as opposed to having a list of ideas that would make the log more mechanical and likely longer than it should be.

Now that’s all work-related, and I’ve been meaning to meditate, but I haven’t started looking into that. It’s in my Todoist, though! :stuck_out_tongue:

I can vouch for working in the car in the driveway. I’ve only accidentally hit the horn a few times. :wink: