Hi Guys,
I just thought I would share my complete 2022 Office Setup, I run a successful Financial Advisory firm here in Spain. We have just developed a brand new deluxe office, I thought I would share the setup that I have been working on.
The MacBook-2021 MacBook Pro 16 1tb 16GB Ram- This is plenty enough for my needs, I edited some 4k promotional videos last week and it literally did’nt miss a beat. Aside from editing I use this for day to day admin/ work related tasks.
Mac Studio Display- I was overjoyed when Apple announced a new Retina Monitor, I understand people’s frustration’s and the cost. However, it’s the perfect fit for my needs. I also have a 24 inch iMac at home that we use for our family. I have to say, I am really disappointed that I can’t plug my MacBook Pro into this to utilise the real estate when working from home. Why target display isn’t possible when I have given Apple a kidney over the last 12 months, I don’t know.
M1 Ipad Pro-256GB I love my Ipad, it’s the go to device for light work and I use this via Universal Control attached to a magnetic holder. This was bought from Ali Express for around 80 dollars, it is actually very well constructed.
Thunderbolt 3 Dock I have a TB3 dock sat within the monitor stand, this hosts my Blu Microphone for conference calls along with other perihpherals. I can’t remember the brand but I spend around 200 Dollars on it from Amazon.
Masgsafe Charger within a Ali Express Mount Yep another Aliexpress product that has served me well, this holds my phone with the MagSafe Charger and completes my setup.
New Magic Keyboard & Trackpad Again I know this was massively overpriced but I couldn’t resist the black to sit with the current line of MacBooks. Both items feel great.
Blue Yeti Mic Yep, I know this is pretty entrance level, however it provides great sound quality for my few Zoom’s every week. I paid this with a Toner Boom Arm
Glad I can share this with you.