549: Brett Terpstra's New Robe

Generally speaking, you can use ^ to indicate the start of a line and $ to indicate the end of a line. So a hyphen at the start of a line should be this, I think:


Very late to the party here, in only listening to this episode now (which Iā€™m not done with yet), so hope it isnā€™t mentioned later >> BT asked @MacSparky and @ismh86 if they knew of a way to get the TouchBar onto an external device (like an iPhone/iPad), to be closer to his UHK:

Duet Display can do this. The settings allows one to have the TouchBar displayed on the iPad that is serving as the additional monitor/screen ā€“ so it can be propped up near oneā€™s keyboard, and have the TouchBar ā€œat handā€ā€¦ Havenā€™t tried to play with it much, since Iā€™m still rocking a 15" MBP from 2015, pre-TB, but figured I would mention it as a possible solutionā€¦

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