573: Rosemary Orchard Returns

For shows I recorded from live television.

I own a lot of documentaries which came from crowdfunding campaigns. I suspect these may be problematic as there wonā€™t be entries in IMDb for smaller hobbyist videos like that. Iā€™ll do these last though, so that I can focus on the more popular titles and get them online in Plex.

For videos which are not identified by Plex though IMDb or theTVdb you can manually add information such as the name of the programme, artwork, description of the video, etc.

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Heard you mention that you are using Nova now. Any particular reason that you switched to it? I think you previously mentioned using PHPstorm before. Have you totally moved on to Nova now?

I still have and use PHPStorm at work, but canā€™t justify the yearly expense for personal use. Nova is great and works natively (instead of being Java), and has a whole bunch of features which make it easier for me to use. I also have BBEdit which can probably do most of the same things, but I use them pretty differently.



Is the workflow above something that could be easily automated? Since Iā€™m about to start ripping my DVDs, Iā€™m wondering if this would make a good ā€œFirst Automationā€ project.

Which would be better to use for the transcode/Sonarr/Radarr/Plex workflow?

Hazel, Alfred or Keyboard Maestro?

I thought @RosemaryOrchard mentioned she uses water sensors. Can you recommend a brand Rose or anyone else? Just got a new house and I would like to get a couple. Thanks

I am not Rose, but I have the Eve Water Guard in our laundry room next to the washing machine.

Our hot-water tank is in the garage, but in our previous house, it was in the unfinished side of the basement with a bunch of storage items. If we still lived there, I would definitely have one in there too. Come to think of it, I may put another one near the hot-water tank anyway. When it comes to water, the sooner you get to it, the better chances you have to minimize the damage.

I use Aqara sensors! Theyā€™re cheap once you have the hub and their temperature sensors, door sensors, motion sensors, and vibration sensors (which I have on my office chair, among other things), are also cheap and actually quite small.

I use that to get the files off the DVD and onto my Mac. Iā€™m sure I could do it another way, but to some extent with workflows if they work you just have to leave them alone!!

I thought it was Banarama who said it. :wink:

@RosemaryOrchard Great Tips and Sonarr and Radarr. I downloaded them and tried them, but Iā€™m quite confused about what they do and how they work. Do you have any links to getting started guides, Iā€™m struggling to find anything decent.

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I think the guides I used disappeared when both of those upgraded to V3 relatively recently. I looked on Reddit though and found a quick start guide for Radarr. As Sonarr is almost identical hopefully you can extrapolate what you need!

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Thanks Rose.
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Stealing the vibration sensor on chair idea. Definitely hooking it up to lights, but I think itā€™ll end up being used for moreā€¦

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During the episode @MacSparky mentions that his experiment with moving away from DropBox failed. I assume heā€™s talking about his plan to move into using only iCloud Drive? Iā€™d love to hear him talk (or write) briefly about why he considered it a failure.

Never mind, just found the explanation on the MacSparky blog: Iā€™m Keeping Dropbox ā€” MacSparky.

Only question: do users find sync much faster with DropBox than with iCloud? Specifically, does DevonThink 3 sync to DevonThink to Go 3 faster with DropBox than with iCloud?

I found iCloud to be slightly faster than Dropbox with DT, until just a few weeks ago when DT added CloudKit support. Now itā€™s noticeable faster on CloudKit. HOWEVER, the first upload to CloudKit can be a bit harrowing if you have a large DB. It looks like Apple is throttling massive uploads via CloudKit so you have to leave it going for a day or two to get that hellish first sync done.

Yes, it took me several days to sync with CloudKit on my Mac. Glad to know it wasnā€™t something wrong I was doing. My DTTG 3 app was taking forever as well, but that didnā€™t make sense because I wasnā€™t downloading any files. So today I deleted the app and reinstalled it, and the sync completed quickly. All is well now! Now on the agenda is learning how to use the main features of DevonThink ā€¦

If Iā€™m reading the note correctly, Iā€™m okay if I donā€™t see any smart groups named Ghosts in my databases after updating, which I donā€™t. Is that correct?