586: iPhone Productivity

For someone who doesn’t want to talk politics, you’re trying real hard to talk about politics!


They moved away from Hey because of the news that Basecamp doesn’t want their people going on about their politics at work?

FWIW, I don’t think most are accusing DHH and Jason of being racists per se, but rather their prohibition on staff being open with each other about issues of race, equity, and inclusion — particularly, given a history of issues on such topics within the company. Everyone is different, but I’m personally considering whether I want to support this company in the future, though I enjoy HEY as a product. I’m also worried about its future with almost half the company leaving. But, in terms of MPU typically focusing on tools, HEY is an interesting take on email and it’s tough to know when to take the discussion deeper.


Well, you’ve essentially just lit a political match in this topic. Were better off not saying anything.

Back on topic though, I wish for a future where I can connect my iPhone to a dock and use it to run a complete version of macOS on a bigger screen. :grinning:

Oh wait…

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Sort of the other way around: DeX Mode | Device Multitasking | Samsung US

In the interest of not seeing this thread derailed, I’d like to suggest (and as I’m simply an avid listener and a member of this community with precisely zero authority, it’s just that — a suggestion) that we stay away from the Basecamp controversy in this thread.

We already discussed it at length here. Those who are interested can listen to Connected #343 for Stephen, Myke, and Federico’s discussion of the issue.


If you’ve paid attention to what the Basecamp issue is actually about, it did start with a list of customer names which were being made fun of for, basically, being non-White/Anglo-Saxon sounding names – which, let’s be clear, definitely has racist overtones.

Many white people think being called racist only means that you shout the ’N’ word at people. That’s overt racism, and it’s not the most common type of racism. In fact, it’s more of a “straw man” that white people use to say “Well, I’m not like that so I’m not racist.”

What Basecamp was apparently trying to do was to suppress discussion about “political” topics, which is a position often held by white people who are comfortable with the status quo and don’t want to deal with things like sexism, racial injustice, homophobia, oppression, etc. By declaring those topics “off limits” they were sending a message to employees that if they fit into one of those groups, issues that affect their lives — including their ability to walk down the street without being killed by police — were not important.

If you think that David, Katie, or Stephen agree with that idea, I think you’d be in for a surprise.

What many heterosexual white people consider “political” is what many people of color/non-heterosexual people consider issues of life and death, at worst, and issues of being able to live and work with the same freedoms that white people (especially white men) usually take for granted.

Not caring about those issues or not wanting to talk about those issues is a privilege that not everyone has, and those of us who aren’t directly affected by them should be trying to learn more about how we can help the world be a place where everyone is treated equally.

If you don’t care about those issues because they don’t affect you directly, well, I don’t know how to tell you that you’re supposed to care about other people. If you do care about other people, then, whenever possible that should be reflected in the choices that you make, including what products and services you use.


That is a good idea and good suggestion (which I did not see until after I posted my previous reply).

Again, not that the topic is off-limits, but that we can reserve that discussion for the places where it is already happening.

For myself, I will refrain from further comment about Basecamp here.


I think we were typing at the same time, since I saw your avatar and ellipsis as I started. :grin:

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Does anyone have an invitation to My Mind they wouldn’t mind sharing? In the meantime I’m keen to hear anyone’s thoughts on how it connects information vs. how DevonThink connects.

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Let’s get back on topic…this thread seems to have wandered a little off topic…

I used to try and do everything on my phone but now I dont at all. I am trying to use my phone less and reclaim back time in my life. I avoid using tasks/todo lists or productivity apps, and i still thing i am as productive as i ever was.


I have a few invites for My Mind kicking about, here you go: brhdgEc


Saying that an opposing argument is inherently racist or from some position of privilege is a complete straw man. Saying that if you don’t support talking politics at the office then you inherently lack compassion about other people is an equally callous thing to say. Nobody (including Basecamp) is saying that the things that are important to someone should not have that significance or that there are not real problems in the world that need to be addressed. Their contention is just that the corporate water coolers (or in their case the corporate Slack channels) are not the places they consider appropriate.

Part of the “culture” of Silicon Valley companies is an inherent paternalism that is baked in to the operational structure of many of those orgs. Young adults graduate from college, where they generally live where they learn, and move to these companies, that want them to more or less live where they work. They build in all of these “perks” to keep their employees chained to the corporate campus (gyms, free food, sleeping pods, massages, game rooms, etc) and the obvious byproduct of the office becoming home and work seeming like a second family (to replace the one they don’t otherwise have because they work all the time) is that people feel more emboldened to unload all of their personal beliefs (and as an extension their politics) on the people around them. Some like-minded people might think that’s great, some non-like-minded people might think it makes the workplace more hostile. That’s arguably not a great thing in a place where work is supposed to be accomplished. Getting rid of this general structure and letting the workplace be about work and letting personal beliefs manifest themselves in the community is a good thing, and frankly a more effective use of everyone’s time.


It’s hard to ignore due to how recent and relevant it is right now, especially in a forum like this one.

Note I suggested “in this thread,” not “not at all.” :grin:

Seconded. The episode mentioned Hey only in passing, in one segment, and it didn’t mention the controversy at all.

Even in this topic…

My intent was not to drag up the locked thread, but merely a question.
Sometimes when things happen a post edit note is put in and was expecting something similar here.
Apologies to all.

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Thank you! This is quite a lovely interface so far. Seems to do better with images and text than PDFs, but perhaps it’s slower to process those? I’m taken with it enough to try it for awhile, at any rate.

Regarding widgets, I use the same large Fantastical widget that David does. I think I’ve tried all 12, and as much as I hate to lose that much app icon real estate or wallpaper viewing, it’s been really helpful. I don’t time block; I just need the space to see today’s meetings and a few of tomorrow’s. I find keeping that information so available gives me freedom to do things elsewhere in the house without forgetting something. One tap to join a call from the home screen and access to the weather are bonuses.

I tried MyMind several months ago but abandoned it because there seemed no way of exporting or sharing information. Has this changed or is it still a roach motel?