650: Craft Deep Drive

I’ve been using Craft for about 10 months and I get so much joy managing my blog and other projects in it. Building a dashboard and having the shortcut to it on all of my devices is a huge productivity boost, with everything accessible from that one location.

I would welcome encryption but as @MacSparky said, they’ve been pretty upfront about that not being a priority for them at this time. I keep nothing in Craft that is sensitive, so I feel comfortable with this.

@Rishio, Great to see how you are using it with your students and your website too, well done!

Look forward to trying those extensions @FlohGro!


Thanks for providing the links. I liked how you’re using Craft.

I also use it in teaching. What I use it for most is simple – I’ve always projected a basic outline (3-5 lines) of the session that students can see when they walk into my sophomore music theory classroom. With Craft, it not only looks good, but I can create it quickly and update it easily. The headings are usually links to subpages or to things outside of Craft. And it’s easy to post links to the Craft pages in our course management system so students can use that to preview and/or review.


I always like to share what I have created with Craft whenever it comes up. I always ended up using it more as a presentation medium rather than a PKM. It just looks so good, but never could be where I think (unless organizing for presentation is thinking :man_shrugging:t3:)

Term B music syllabus (all contact information is gone as I have since stopped teaching)

A sermon playlist I would send out to various people that would need to see it

A project based learning presentation module

A document shared with our dog/house sitter

A sermon series outline and planning session

I won’t link it here, but I also created a pretty baller continuity book for the last church that I worked at broken down by areas of responsibilities, relationships, equipment, future and current plans, etc.

Even going back to share these makes me really appreciate how beautiful this app is.


That’s not my experience. PDF Reader 2.5.x did hide pages. But in Preview the file size was smaller. That’s on Monterey b.t.w.


In Obsidian, it is usual to add YAML to the notes, for several reasons.


Does Craft support YAML?

Perhaps, I got the wrong tool. I do know that one of the common tools just hides the pages. Maybe it’s DTs builtin previewer.

Caveat Emptor - check your tool to make sure it does what matters to you.

Many thanks. They are attractive and functional… and can be updated. That’s a clear advantage over sending out a PDF with many versions floating around.

I like your sermon outlines too :grinning:

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I’m excited to try out some of your extensions! I’m a ToDoIst user and a Craft user. :smile:

You’ve obviously done a lot of work with Craft extensions; more so than anyone it seems. Do you have any idea if they’ll be available in iOS any time soon? I’ve realised I do a large amount of my PKM work during downtime on my phone.

They are reworking the api according to the feedback there was a statement in the slack community a few months ago.
So until they release a new version they will not release them for iOS I think :blush:

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Craft’s documentation strongly stresses that it’s the one app for everything. This would include personal and possible sensitive information, ie contact info, details about clients.

Is anyone using it including this data or are you all just using benign info and storing personal/sensitive data elsewhere?

This episode prompted me to take another look at the Craft app. I’ve had it downloaded for about a year, but done very little with it.

After spending a couple of days learning more about how to use Craft (see the Craft Bible for a curated list of resources), I decided to move my weekly roles review from Drafts to Craft.

As a complete novice, I was easily able to create a colorful and visual linked directory of roles, and linked pages for each role ideal description and review questions. If you’re interested, the description of what I did (with samples) is on my blog here.

I anticipate I’ll be moving much more of my workflow into Craft as I learn more about it. I love having both beauty and function in my documents and the app I create them in.


Thanks for the great examples, Jeremy! It’s always good to see what others are doing with an app that has so many possibilities and options.

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I sometimes use Craft for its excellent sharing capability as a web link.

However, I am struggling to use it everyday as it is designed mainly for iPad but I am on the Mac more. There is a link of keyboard shortcut and is primilarily mouse driven. There is also some weird stuff, e.g. the only way to import is to make all documents active then go to the File Menu path, again, no keyboard shortcuts. I use Chrome Markdown file clipper and download a lot web articles but there is no easy way to automate the import them into Craft. I may have to looking building a shortcut for this

There is a link of keyboard shortcut and is primilarily mouse driven.

I use Craft extensively on the Mac and find that there’s a lot that I can accomplish without taking my hands off the keyboard, especially when it comes to editing documents. There’s a list of keyboard shortcuts here:

Additionally, there are some convenient keyboard-friendly conventions. For example, typing “x” at the beginning of a line makes the block a checklist, and “+” creates a toggle list.

I primarily use Quick Open (⌘O) to access documents and switch spaces. There aren’t currently keyboard shortcuts for accessing areas like Unsorted and Calendar, but I managed to create Keyboard Maestro to access these areas from the keyboard.

There is some room for improvement. For example, I’d like to be able to move a document to a specific folder using the keyboard. I wouldn’t be surprised if these enhancements come sooner rather than later given that Craft is in such active development.

I hope this helps!

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this is really helpful indeed. I guess the keyboard shortcut for import is in the enhancement list as I could not find that on the list. It is a bit annoying as I am doing imports (of markdown files) on a regular basis

Good to hear this was helpful, @fuzzygel.

I guess the keyboard shortcut for import is in the enhancement list as I could not find that on the list.

I recommend contacting Craft with this request. The Craft team is very receptive to feedback in my experience.

In the meantime, you should be able to add a keyboard shortcut for File > Import > Markdown files using System Preference. CustomShortcuts, a free app from Houdah Software, is also a convenient way to add keyboard shortcuts to apps.

wow, I learned many new things today , I did not know that this is possible. Will definitely give this a shot. Appreciate the tip

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It definitely feels like this is the path that the developers are taking it down. I’m so glad @MacSparky and @ismh discussed it during the last episode. There are definitely some powerful tools and ways to brand pages and make it look unique for what you want it to be.

As you said, it is still a work in progress. I would love to see some better ways of embedding external content, for example, but they are getting closer and closer to a terrific web creation tool.

Since I teach, I get a free subscription (of some sort, don’t know all the details), and I used Craft last year to provide lots of information to my students.

Craft was amazing for creating and publishing course syllabi for my classes. I just created them on my iPad or Mac and posted the craft link into Moodle (our LMS). The great thing is that they were immediately optimized for mobile far better than if I were sharing a PDF (my normal choice) or other kind of document. And I’m able to create certain sections, such as class policies, in separate documents and easily link to them.


I’ve just been trying Craft but autocorrect doesn’t seem to work on the Mac. Is this normal behaviour?