684: 20 Mac Apps Under $20

What does that application do?

Apparently, I do not get it. I do not see PopClip adding much beyond the options presented when you right-click on a selection.

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Paletro is such a huge value for me. I use my streamdeck only for complicated macros now rather than the keybaord commands I have forgotten. Big recommend for under 10 bucks.

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There are loads of extensions you can easily add, and some of them are helpful. I like popclipā€™s text case conversation extensions, for instance, especially the one that converts my selected text into title case.

Itā€™s worth digging deeper.


It does a lot with text formatting that I find really useful. I do a lot of work with text for my job, so being able to select text in any application, click a button on my mouse (I have a logi mouse with extra buttons; one Iā€™ve reserved for PopClip), and then manipulate it in myriad ways is really helpful and time saving for me. (Drafts ā€˜actionsā€™ and TextSoap ā€˜cleanersā€™ offer some of this functionality as well, but require a trip to a different window/app.)

You can also customize the options extensively through extensions. It can do a lot more than text manipulation (just browse that list of extensions), but thatā€™s my main use case.

Thanks. This changes the value of PopClip for me. I was simply unaware.

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I finally have a chance to listen to the podcast. I was trying to download Transmit 5 but the price is $45 (not sure it is US$ or AUD$) so it is way over $20. Have they raised the price recently or there is a way to get under $20?

I see it for $25/year US$. Only by subscription. (FYI Iā€™ve been using Forklift for many years at $20 lifetime.)

I wasnā€™t sure why Transmit was mentioned as itā€™s never been under $20 (unless maybe Transmit 1.0 was in the 90s.)

I bought Transmit almost a year ago. It was $45 (US, taxes not yet included) back then.

Panic offers this ā€œlifetimeā€ purchase on their website and a (yearly) subscription on the App Store (which is currently ā‚¬25,99 over here).

ForkLift 4 is currently ā€œfreeā€ while in Beta:

If I remember correctly BinaryNights plan(ned?) to go subscription with version 4.

Not quite subscription as there is no extortion clause where if you stop paying the app stops working. More info here:

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When you purchase you get a year of free updates (to your version) and can use it forever. Seems like common purchase terms to me and not a subscription.

Before Forklift (which I originally got in some bundle) I used Cyberduck, which is still free from the website ($10 donation requested) or $24 in the Mac App Store.

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