697: A Niche of a Niche

@Kim_Trinh I love that. What a great justification ;).

I’ve done fitness with the Oculus on me, and I do work up a sweat. However, I NEVER want to see a picture/video of myself doing so.


I was thinking this exact same thing while listening to the episode. I don’t personally use it, but wondered if it could be a good fit.

I read somewhere that a lot of American pronunciations are the original English version, and the British have evolved the pronunciation to something different. It put me back in my box as a British person!

Shall we talk about pronouncing yoghurt or maroon next? :joy:

Edit: I misread the flag as you being Australian @Vincent_Ardern so you might say maroon the non-Australian way as a Kiwi :slight_smile:

My absolute favorite go-to source for English etymology and American pronunciation and orthography is The American Heritage Dictionary. It includes Cal Watkins’ appendix of Indo-European roots, usage notes, and digitized pronunciations of every word.

The online version is free; theer are also print, iOS/iPadOS/MacOS versions.



I had an opportunity to drive a Ford with Sync 4 on a 12" screen this week. They embed CarPlay view inside the main UI, which keeps it at a non-awkward size while also showing side info from media or directions.

It was wireless CarPlay, too. Reconnecting was smooth. The connection persisted until the car was off and the door open. UI latency with wireless was barely acceptable. I wish I’d had the iOS 17 beta on my phone before the trip!

RE: Todoist



Woah. I can’t believe it. I genuinely can’t believe it.

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I use KeepIt to collect and search pdfs and notes. It works on Mac, iPad and iPhone.
Probably not as powerful as DevonThink but it’s still very good.


Do you know if it supports multiple libraries (ie - home and work as separate libraries)?

Welcome to the forum. It’s a great place for sharing. :grinning:

It supports bundles, folders, tags and smart folders but I don’t think it supports multiple libraries as such.

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