700: Our Workflows


Great episode. I love the attitude you gents bring to your work.


It seems likle I was just listening to Episode 500. Time flies.


@ismh You said on the show if you were starting today, you would not have started with the 512 Pixels blog. What would you do instead? Or did I misunderstand you?

I think I would jump right into podcasting or video if I was starting now. I love blogging and will keep 512 running forever, but starting out, writing isn’t the way into an indie content career in 2023, sadly.

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I think you’re probably right about writing not being the way into an indie content career. Alas.

I had a podcast in the late 2000s and I’ve talked about doing one again but the technology seems overwhelming. Same for video, which I’ve never done more than dabble in.

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I’m curious about your philosophy on this today and wondering if you’d like to expound. In my mind, given the Twitter situation (and all its new competition), there’s never been a better time to have your own home on the web.

My thought, philosophically, is to take Patrick Rhone’s approach: write in one place, syndicate everywhere. It doesn’t get you internet famous, but it might get you internet resilient, is my thought.

Curious where you land on all this these days, especially given this comment.

I think Twitter dying is a mixed bag for writing. I’m as pro write-for-yourself as it gets, but it’s very, very hard to make a living at it. In terms of being a foundation for a content business, only the elite handful can make it work financially.

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I think that’s a very good way to put it. Publishing regularly feels like a necessary part of the business grind for all businesses, but the publishing business itself seems more challenging than ever.

Happy 700th! Don’t forget your free septuacentennial cupcake in a cup.



Based on my blog traffic in the last year va previously I would absolutely agree with this. Fortunately it’s my side hustle but still a bummer.

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It seems like it was yesterday I was listening to episode 1 (!) - I think I subscribed around episode 10, and listened to the ones released before then retrospectively.

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700 was a quality episode. I remember listing to episode 500 on a trip to Nebraska for training. I started listening in 2015. The guest was talking about a manned mission to Mars and some of the experiments and testing on the Big Island of Hawaii.