721: “Technological Empathy,” with Kourosh Dini


I always appreciate Kourosh’s thoughtful approach to apps, tasks, and idea management. Great episode.


Board game talk is welcome any time.

The Crew is another one that’s accessible and scratches a similar puzzle-solving itch that Kourosh Dini seems to have. If you know how to play euchre or another trick-taking game, you know how to play it, and you just have to learn to coordinate on the trick order puzzles with the other players. It’s inexpensive, too.

I purchased Kourosh’s Creating Flow with OmniFocus during the pandemic and now review it annually as my personal guide for using OF. His focus on intentionality really helped me break the habit of using OmniFocus as a parking spot/dumping ground - now, only tasks that truly have a due date go into it with the intention that they actually need to be done.


Bought 2 of Kourosh’s books, highly recommend any of his books. Well researched and written.