723: State of the Platforms (December 2023)

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This was a really great episode. Was a bit surprised though that there was no mention of Vision Pro.

That said, I couldn’t agree more when it comes to how Apple silicon has revolutionized the Mac. Battery life, performance, cooling – everything is leaps ahead of the previous Intel junk. I have bought M1, M2, and now M3 Macs and they have all been better than the previous generation.


They didn’t mention it? That’s odd. It’s right there in the description of the show - “as well as a look at an entirely new platform coming early next year in the form of visionOS.” They didn’t say anything about it at all???

I don’t recall hearing it, although I also listen at 2x speed so there’s a chance I may have missed it!

It’s not in the chapters list, but I didn’t listen to all of this one. More Power Users maybe?

We didn’t get to it. I’ll update the description.

For me, my MacBook Pro is not at all the functional equivalent of an iPad, in that both are relatively light and have a long-lasting battery. The iPad is much more comfortable to hold and work with when I’m sitting on my sofa.

In regard to iPad size, I tried an iPad mini and sold it because the screen was too small to be functional with my older eyes. I love the larger size and screen quality of the 12.5", but it feels too big and bulky to hold comfortably for reading or working through my morning routine.

The “Goldilocks iPad” for me has been the 11" model. It has a big enough screen to be functional for reading, mind mapping, reviewing blog posts, reading Readwise highlights, journaling, etc. but still light and easily handled.


Do you find the 11” to be adequate for writing (short to medium size articles) and meeting notes?

I’ve used the 11" for writing in the range you indicated, but I find the 12.5" with a keyboard to be better for extended writing. But if I’m using that setup, why not just use my MacBook Pro? I used my 11" all the time (with Goodnotes) when I attended board meetings.

I find the 11" great for dictating notes, writing entries in Obsidian or Craft, creating mind maps, etc.

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I going to disagree on few points on the episode.

  1. Apple TV - It may be niche and it may not be enough to what we think it can be but having older TV and slapping Apple TV on it and it working very well everyday is worth something. There are tons of people who have TV from 2017-2020 which are very slow now. Navigating their interface is so painful. Slapping a device which starts showing ads the moment you switch on is no good eighter. Apple TV is very good device IMO.

  2. iCloud+ - I use Custom Domains with Apple Mail and having a great professional email embedded into Apple Mail is worth it. I have 3 custom domains via Apple mail and it works very good. Not enough alias is my compliant but it works very good.