Great episode. I love Jazz and immediately looked into Bob’s music and it is, indeed, beautiful. Luckily it is available on Apple Music, to which i have a family subscription. But it did bring up a question I should probably ask in the MPU forums. I try to support artists (musicians and authors especially) by buying their music at source. Meaning I am happy to shell out $10 to buy a release since that helps the artist keep making music. I support kickstarters etc… Now ever since I started the Apple Music subscription I have no idea how to get music that is NOT in the Apple Music catalog onto my iPhone. I can listen on my Mac Book Pro, but I usually listen in the car.
This is super easy with my kindle and independent authors, but for music I find it rather non-intuitive.
I know this should be easy to figure out but I haven’t yet. Any help would be appreciated
Dragging your music (and movies too if that’s your thing) directly into Apple Music app (or tv app for movies) can be done with Waltr2 app. It’s easy, quick and puts the music all in the same place as opposed to some music in apple music, some in some other app etc
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this episode, both for everything the guest had to say and how excited David was to have a fellow traveler on.
I too loved this episode! The passion and determination was evident from the start in how Bob talked about his journey so far.
I found it very inspiring when listening to Bob’s back story and could really relate to the internal struggles he spoke about along the way.
Thanks crew for another great episode!
I didn’t see the link in the show notes in the end, but I know the article Bob was referring to at 28:57, and thought I’d share here in case anyone else was looking for it It’s a great read, and like so many of Mark Manson’s articles, it really cuts to the crux of this issue in a super relatable way: